After entering into the Islamic Fold or community by accepting the Faith (Eiman) as heart and pronouncing the said Faith through verbal declaration Four Fundamental modes of worship (Ibadat) become obligatory in every Muslim. These are (1) The Salaat or Namaz, (2) Sayam (Fasting), (3)Zakaat (Poor-rate) and (4) Hajj (Pilgrimage) to Holy Lord of Mecca and Madina.
The Performance of Haj begins with the observance of the prescribed process laid down in this behalf in letters and spirit the very first essential part is to enter the Holy Land of Mecca by wearing the Ahram (Un stitched) long piece of cloth (preferably cotton) form the fixed places and on entering the inner limits of Khana-e-Kaaba (also known as Haram Sharif) the intending pilgrim (Haji) must go (at least seven times) round the Holy Kaaba, known as Tawaf (literal meaning is going round and round) followed by the normal paced running up and down between the famous hillocks of Safa and Merwa (or Sa'ee) with these initial rituals being fulfilled the Hajis make a compulsory stop over and stay at the Maidan-e-Arafat (near Mecca). This is the most obligatory part and procedure of the Hajj. Further details of these and other rituals and ceremonies shall be declare in the following. The Deseriptim, so far only constitutes the introduce to the great and more elaborate procedures and processes of Hajj.
As soon as a person becomes eligible for Hajj, it becomes obligatory for him to undertake this pilgrimage at the first available opportunity. A delay in the connection will amount to commit a run and if he fails to discharge this obligator continuously for years, he will be deemed a sinner (and liable to punishment) in the eyes of Allah and his evidence will not be worth reliance. However there is no Qaza (compensating an obligation -Farz- at a later date) at whatever time he performs Hajj it will be adjudged as having been performed in time (Ada).
Time for Hajj The time for Hajj is from the month of shawwal (10th month of Hijri calender)till the 10th of Zil Hajj (the 12th and the last month of Hijri calendar). Before shawwal and after 10th Zil Hajj the Hajj is not permissible except Ahram which can be performed before this, but this is makrooh.
Conditions for Hajj There are eight (8) conditions for the Hajj which must be all present at the time of performing Hajj to make the Hajj, Farz (obligatory). These conditions are:
(1) To be a Musalman.
(2) To be major in age(Baligh).
(3) Possessing normal sensibility (Aqal). Note Hajj is not Farz on a person who is mentally deranged.
(4) To be independent or Free (not a slave)
(5) In good health to go to the Hajj and perform various rites etc with fortitude. NOTE: Hajj is not obligatory on a handicapped person, a blind and one whose legs have been WIMPUTED, or one who is so old and DECEXPIT who is unable to sit a right on a carriage of riding animal.
(6) He should possess enough resources and be capable to BEAR THE TO AND FOR expenses of Hajj (it means that before proceeding for Hajj he should leave sufficient money for the household expenses in his absence after meeting all expenses such as travel ,transport, stay at the Holy Places etc ; this means the money/resources left at home should SUFFREE the expenses for a moderate clan of family, which he used to support and eater for the needs of his own family and those dependent on him for their essential necessities, known as Hajjat-e-Asliyah which includes the living accommodation clothes of normal use, servants, riding animals, vocational implements, cooking and eating material, borrowings or dues such as loan or dowry.
(7) Time: Hajj shall become obligatory at such at time if before proceeding for Hajj he possesses such amount of money that will cover his expenses up to Mecca Moazzama and back to be there at the time of Hajj.
PROBLEM:-For a lady traveler for Hajj if the time distance is of 3 days or more then she must be accompanied by a *Mahram, whether ----------------------------------------------------------------
*Mahram:the man with whom the marriage of the woman is prohibited (Haram) for ever, whether it may be on account of family line age (such as father, son, uncle, brother) or an account of foster age (Raza-at like foster brother, foster father, foster son) P.T.O.
she may be young or old, if the woman travels without any Mahram, she will be committing an act against the law of the Shariat, but if she performs the Hajj without Mahram, the Hajj will be an order and the Farz will be fulfilled.
On entering the Holy Land of Mecca and on coming near the *MEEQAT, the intending pilgrim should perform Wazu (ablution) and Ghus'l (Bath), apply perfume and put on the**Ahram, offer two rakats of Nafil with the intent (Niyat) of Ahram and after this recited this prayer.
TRANSLATION:- O Allah! I desire to (perform) Hajj, so make it easy for me and accept it from me; I have made intent (Niyat) for the Hajj and have put on Ahram specially for Almighty Allah.
After this he must recite "Lab'baik in a loud voice (at least three times at a stretch). The full Text of Lab'baik is this
After reciting Lab'baik, he should recite Durood Shareef and read this prayer (Dua')
TRANSLATION:-"O Allah! I beseech Your Pleasure and the Paradise; and I seek Your Refuge from Your Wrath and the Fire (of Hell)."
or it may be on account of relation based on in-law ties (Susrali) like father in law, son of the husband etc).
*Meeqat:Meeqat is the place from where no person preceding to Mecca Sharif should go without `Ahram'. These are five different places in the vicinity of Haram Sharif (Holy Kaba). For persons of the sub-continent of traveling by sea is YALAMOLAM beside the mountain.This place comes through Kamraan and enter the ocean. When the Port Jeddah comes within two or three mile posts (Manzil), the crew of the ship shout loudly informing the people to put on the Ahram.
**Ahram:Unstitched long piece of cloth, popularly known as `Tahband' or `Tahmad' (long single piece of cloth worn round the waist, mostly by men folk) and another piece of cloth of Chadar. The Tahband should be worn in the normal way, while the chadar should be placed in such a way that it covers both the shoulders, the back and the chest completely.
PROBLEM:-While in a state of Ahram it is not permissible that one wears a stitched cloth.(NOTE:This ends the foot note of the page and carrier over as above. Other points of mentioned as foot note on the page no.178 of the Book have been incorporate in the running text, resumed here below)
Then moving forward he should recite Lab'baik loudly at least thrice at a time on each occasion when he recites 'Lab'baik. The rehearsal of Lab'baik should be repeated at every turn of movement while offering prayer or changing states, almost incessantly while engaged or disengaged in religious activities. In broad outlines, these occasions are: except from while making Tawaf round the Holy Kaaba, the invocation of Lab'baik should continued countlessly tell the rite of `Rami Jumra' (stoning the devil satan), especially on climbing and coming down the hills (or other elevated places of movements in the Mecca Sharif), meeting of two caravans morning and evening. Last part of the night and after each of the five compulsory prayers; in short at every turn of events or movements in prayers, with or without ablution. Men talk should recite Lab'baik in a loud voice, but not so loud so as to disturb others, while the women should recite the `Labbaik' in a soft voice.
This is the state of Ahram; one should avoid doing or committing a things which are forbidden during the state of Ahram. All around Mecca Sharif for many miles there are forests in which shrubs, plants and trees grow, there are tracts green grass in scattered spaces which are separated from one another by boundary walls. Within these bounded tracks it is forbidden to pluck green grass, cut down the mushroom grown trees or plants to tease the wild animals grazing or living there. All this is haram. The safety and regard for the animals of the Haram Sharif is that if a gazelle, commonly known as deer be sitting under the shade of tree for rest while there is unfenced hot and sun shine around, it is forbidden to drive away the animal simply to take its place for shade and comfort. If some one brings a wild animal within the limits of the Haram Sharif, the same becomes sacred and it should be freed at once. There are many untamed or wild pigeons in Mecca Moazzama.
These pigeons are also found living in domestic places, at times scattering their refuse on the ground floor of the house. Whatever their movements in and around the dwelling places, but its absolute forbidden to tease the a drive away these pigeons. Some people coming from nearby places do not have the affection for these pigeons. This is undesirable, these poor creatures should be left to themselves, they should not be teased or harassed out of ignorance or dislike. It is worth considering that when the wild animals of Mecca Mokarrama are given so much regard the worth are status of human life and honor can be very well realized. All these things which have been described here are not exclusive while one in a state of Ahram; on the other these are general ever lasting principle applicable in all conditions whether a persons is with Ahram or otherwise.
Coming back to our main topic of Hajj when a person has gone on this extremely sacred mission. When the intending pilgrim comes near the Haram Sharif, he should proceed with due reverence and respect, head bowed down and eyes fixed on the ground, which are the outward signs of humanity and devotion. It is still more humble and respectful if the persons walks barefoot, repeating the `Labbaik'and the one as much as possible. When he approaches the Haram Sharif and his eyes fall on the Mecca Moazzama (Khana Kaaba) he should pause for a while; he should recite the following `Dua' at the first sight of the Holy Kaba.
TRANSLATION:- O Allah! grant me comfort by (the blessing of) this, (The Sacred House of Kaaba) and grant me subsistence and pure and clean livelihood in this (Holy Place).
The Durood Sharif should also be recited as much as possible. It is preferable that the man should enter the city after washing and purifying himself with a bath and when he entered the Jammat-ul-Mualla he should pray for the departed souls who are buried these. After this, when he begins to enter the Mecca Sharif he should recites this dua;
TRANSLATION:- O Allah! You are my Lord sustainer and I am Your slave
After going a little further ahead when he reaches Mud'aa he should stop here and after waiting a little here, he should pray with utmost humility and solemnity for the welfare and prosperity for himself, his Kith and kin, friends and all the muslim ummah, the dua should also include Divine mercy for forgiveness of sins and admittance in the Paradise without accountability on the Day of Judgement.
This is the moment of acceptance of prayers in the Presence of Allah the Almighty. Recitation of Durood Sharif as much as he can, is very effective at this place and on this occasion, he must repeat "Allaho Akbar" and `La ila ha Ill llah' three times each and recite the following prayer (in Arabic)
TRANSLATION:-"O Allah! Grant us beneficence in this world and in the Hereafter and protect us form the punishment of the Fire (of Hell). O Allah! I beseech You of the welfare which Your Prophet Muhammad (Sallalla ho Alaihe wa Sallam) besought of You; and I seek You Refuge from the Evil which Your Prophet Muhammad (Sallalla ho Alaiha wa Sallam) sought Refuge form."
He should also recite this Dua;
He should also recite this comprehensive `dua' at least three times at the place;
TRANSLATION:-"O Allah! This is Your House and I am Your slave. I beseech You of forgiveness and security in the world and the Hereafter for myself, my parents, and for all Momineen, men and women, for Your slave Shamsuddin. O Allah! grant him victory, a grand victory (Amin)".
He should then move forward and when he reaches Mecca Muazamma, he should first of all enter the Masjid-e-Har'am, remembering Allah and His Apostle all the time and praying for the success and prosperity of all the Musalman, in the world and in the Hereafter. Reciting `Lab'baik' he should approach Bab-us-Satam and kissing the threshold he must put right foot forward and enter the Haram Sharif and recite this Dua,
Remember this dua by heard and whenever you happen to enter Mashid-ul-Haram (or any other masjid), recite this dua or prayer; and add the following phrases in this dua,
TRANSLATION:-"O Allah! You are Satam (security) and form You is security- peace and the peace returns to Your presence (ultimately). O our Lord! keep us alive with security and admit us in the Paradise (Daras Satam - the Abode of peace). O our Lord! You are full of Blessing and Highly Elevated, O the Lord with Grandeur and Beneficence. O Allah! This is Your Haram and the Place of Your peace. Forbid and deter the Fire for the Hell to on engulf my flesh, my skin, my face, my blood, my brain and my bones. (Amin)
When the sight (eye) falls on the Kaaba Sharif, he should recite "La' ila' ha Il lul la'ho, Wol Laho Akbar" three times, then the Durood Sharif and this Dua'
He should start `Tawaf' (going round the Khana-e-Kaaba) in the Name of Almighty Allah. The `Tawaf' in the fixed limits known as Mutafa or the place of Tawaf should begin from the Hajar-e-Aswad in the way that when approaches Hajar-e-Aswad, he should recite this prayer (dua),
TRANSLATION:-There is no god but Allah. The One, He made His Promise True and He helped His (Apostle) servant (against the infidels) and vanquished their forces. He is Absolutely One, He has no Associate ( in His Godhood), The rule of the world belongs to Him, all Praise is due to Him and He has Power (and Authority) over every things.
Before starting Tawaf (going round) of the Kaaba Sharif he must perform ISTABAA.
Then keeping his face at the Kaaba at the right side of the Hajar-e-Aswad, he should stand by the Rukn-e-Yaman in such a way that the full view of Hajar-e-Aswas remains at his right hand. Now he must make the Niyat (intent) of the Tawaf saying.
("O Allah! I intend to make Tawaf of Your sacred House, so make it easy for me and accept it from me.")
After the Niyat keeping the face towards the Kaaba, he should move on the right side and when he reaches Hajar-e-Aswad, he should raise his hands up to the ears and opening the palms towards Hajar-e-Aswad he should recite
Now, if it is possible, he should try keeping his palms at the sides of the Hajar-e-Aswad, to kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad in a soft reverential manner without make sound of his kiss. He should do this three times. If he succeeds to touch the Hajar-e-Aswad with his lips, then he must regard himself a most fortunate that he is blessed with the Divine favor to allow him to kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad to which the lips of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa -Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Sallam- had graced by their holy touch over 1400 years ago. If on account the pressing such he can not succeed to kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad, he should not resort to push and move others to achieve his desire. If he can touch the Hajar-e-Aswad by the hands, it is enough for him to touch the Hajar-e-Aswad, and then kiss his own hands. If even this is not possible to touch the sacred stone on account of rush then he should keep his open palms towards the Hajar-e-Aswad and kiss then feeling at heart had he is kissing the Hajar-e-Aswad. This process of kissing is known as ISTILAAM (presenting and conveying the good wishes of salaam). At the time of ISTILAAM, he should recite the following prayers (dua):
(" O Allah! Forgive me of my sins and purify my heart and expand my breast and make easy my affair and give me protection and those whom You gave protection").
Then he should recite,
(" O Allah! I affair my Eiman with You, and testify the Truth of Your Book (The Holy Quran) and fulfill The Promise with You and obey and follow the sunnat of Your Prophet Muhammad - Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Sallam - and bear witness that there is no god but Allah The only One, there is associate with Aim, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Sallahllaho Alaihe Wa Sallam) Abid and apostle. I affirm my Eiman with Allah and denounce (reject) the
and the Devil saying this he should proceed towards the door (exit) of the Kaaba and while doing so when he has passed by
the Hajar-e-Aswad, he should stand erect and walk in such a way that the Kaaba remains on his left hand. While walking he should not ease inconvenience to any one, he should remain as close to the Kaaba as possible, without touching the cover of the Kaaba by his body or the clothes, when he comes in front of the MULTAZIM, he should recite this dua:
TRANSLATION:- O Allah! This House is Your House, and The Sacred Place of Your Sacred Place, and The Peace of Your Peace and this is Your Place of protection from the Fire (of Hell), so protect me from the Fire (of Hell). O Allah! give me contentment with what Your have provide me and grant blessing (and affluence) in it and I pray in absence of those who are not present. There is no god but Allah the One, there is none to associate Him, The governance of the Universe belongs to Him, all Praise is due to Him, and He has Power (and Authority) over every thing.
When he comes in front of the Rukn-e-Arafi, he should recite this dua,
(O Allah! I seek Your refuge form prevarication (skepticism) and infidelity (disbelief),and when he comes in front of MEEZAAB-E-RAHMAT, he should recite the following dua,
(O Allah! Give me shade below the Shade of Your Throne on the Day when there is no Shade except Your shade and nothing shall survive except Your countenance and make me drink from the Pond of Your Apostle Muhammad -Sallallaho Alaihe wa Sallam- the sweet drink after which there shall be thirst for ever).
And when he reaches RUKN-E-SHAMI, he should recite the following prayer;
( O Allah! Make this as Hajj-e-Mabroor (Rule of Goodness and Blessing) and the endeavor (worthy) of Thankfulness and the trade/business where there is no loss O one Who Knows what is in the heart (breast). Take me away from the darkness towards the Noor, light.
And when he comes to the RUKNE-E-YAMANI, he should touch it with both hands or only the right hand, he may also kiss at if he so desire; he should recite this prayer;
(O Allah! I beseech Your Forgiveness and Security in this world and in the Hereafter).
Just ahead of the RUKNE-E-YAMANI there is mustajab. Here he may recite the above mentioned dua or recite,
or he may only recite Durood Sharif.(NOTE: At this place or at all those places where he prays for himself he may preferable recite only Durood Sharif instead of other prayers/duas. Dua, Durood etc should not be recited very loudly).
Now after turning round the aforesaid places he comes back to Hajar-e-Aswad again. This is One Full Circuit. Even at this place he must offer Istilam at the Hajar-e-Aswad. In this way he do six more rounds or Tawaf of the Kaaba, to make the total circuits seven in number. In the first three rounds he must also do `Ramal', when he completes seven rounds, it means he has performed One Tawaf. This is known as `Tawaf-e-Qudoom'. After Tawaf he should come to Maqam-e-Ibrahim, here after reciting the verse; he should offer two rakats of Namaz-e-Tawaf. This is Wajib.
In the first rakat of Namaz-e-Tawaf he should recite
and in the second rakat
After the Namaz-e-Tawaf he may recite the following `dua' which is mentioned in the Hadees;
( O Allah! You know my secrets and open apparent things of mine, therefore accept my excuse You know my needs therefore grant my requests (baggings); You know what is in my self, so forgive my sins. O Allah! I beg you of Eiman (asa) pleasure of my heart and the true certainly. You know only that will befall me what You have written (ordained) for me and make my livelihood (subsistence) as a means of contentment for me what You have apportioned
for me O the most merciful of the merciful ones).
Now after Namaz and dua he should go to the Multazim and embrace the Multazim near the Hajar-e-Aswad place. The chest and both the cheeks on the Multazim, spread both his arms raising over the head and testing on the wall or put the right hand at the side of the door of the Kaaba and the left hand stretched towards the Hajar-e-Aswad and recite this dua;
after embracing Multazim, he should come to well of Zamzam. If it possible, he should draw one bucket of water from the well of Zamzam himself, otherwise he may get the water from some other person and keeping his face towards he should drink Zamzam as much as he can in three breaths, in standing posture. Every fresh drink he should begin with `Bismillah' and finish with `Alhamdo Lillah' keeping has eyes each time on the Kaaba or at least have a glance at it. The remaining water he may pour on his body or wash his hands, face and continue reciting `dua' while engaged in this process. The Holy Prophet (Allah's grace and peace be upon him) has said that `dua' at this time is accepted in the Presence of Almighty Allah. He has also said that the Zamzam is a cure for any ailment when it is sought with due faith in it. The dua prescribed at this moment is this;
(O Allah! I beseech You The Knowledge which is Beneficial, the subsistence which is vast (abundant) and the Deed which is worth acceptance (and reward) and The Cure for all diseases (ailments) or the all embracing due quoted earlier). It is also blissful to look into the Well of Zamzam from above the ground it also removes, removes rancor and hyperisy from the heart.
Now, if he is not tired and willing to engage himself for the Sa'ee literally meaning endeavor or attempt but in the context of Hajj it is a ritual which is undertaken by way of brisk walking or balanced running on the hills of Safa and Marwa. Before proceeding for the Sa'ee he should come to the Hajar-e-Aswad kiss it if he can manage otherwise keeping the face to it he should recite "Allaho Akbar Wa Laila ha Il lul Lah Wal Hamdo Lillah"
and repeating the Durood Sharif he must move to the Hill of Safa passing through the Gate of Safa (while coming from the door of masjid he should first take the left foot out and while using shoes or any footwear) put in the right foot first. This is the procedure to he followed always and at all places while coming out from the masjid, rehearsing the usual due.
Remembering Allah and reciting Durood Sharif he should climb the first stairs and stay thee for a moment and before raising foot for the second stair, he should recite;
Then turning his face towards Kaba, raising both his hands upto his shoulders and stretching them (hands) apart, he should pause there for such a length of time which wowed take rehearsing 35 verses of the Surah Baqarah, repeating durood, tasbeeh, tahleel (Kalama-e-Tayyebat), he should pray for one's own self, his parents, friends kith and kin and the Ummate Muslimah. This is the place and occasion when prayers are heard and granted by the Divine Grace.
After the Dua he should make niyat (intent) for the Sa'ee. The Niyat for the sa'ee is this:
(O Allah! I intend doing Sa'ee between Safa and Marwah, so make it easy for me and accept it from me).Then coming down from the Safa, he should more towards Marwa reciting verses and Durood and he covers the distance of the first mile, he should start running and continue running a little beyond the second mile, then walk slowly and reciting rites without stopping should go upto Marwa and here climbing the first step signifies going up the Merwa, but he should not recline against the wall (which is the practice of the ignorant people). Here on account of new structures the view of Kaba is not possible, yet the face should he towards Kaba, repeating and reciting rites prayers (dua) Durood Sharif as usual. This completes the first round of the Sa'ee.
From here he should again move to Safa will all the rituals and recitals as in the first instance, when he reaches the mile of Marwa he should start running till he passes the Mile of Safa, he should then slow down and climb the Safa. This completes the second round. Similarly again from Merwa to Safa, this is the fourth round. In this way he should complete the fifth, the sixth and the seventh rounds. This Endeavor (running) is known as Sa'ee, starting from Safa and ending at Marwa. In between tow miles there shall be seven times running.
After the Saee he should stay at Mecca till the 8th of Zil-Hajj and continue reciting `Labbaik' in a simple manner without ISTABA, Ramial or Sa'ee and on completion of every seventh round (of Tawaf) he should two Rakats of Nafil at Maqam-e-Ibrahim on the seventh when the Imam delivers sermon (Khutba) after Zohar he should attend and listen to it. On the eight (8th) after the sun-rise he should move from Mecca to Mina, reciting Labbaik, Durood
dua through out the way. When Mina comes to sight, he should recite
(O Allah! This is Mina so grant me the favor of grace and peace with which You have favored Your Friends. After reaching Mina he should stay here for the night. From this day at Zohar till the morning of 10th he should all the prayers at Mina, alongwith Durood and other rites (Azkaar, Dua etc) At the break if down in
*: Here also the hands should be kept in the same as they are kept after in the Namaz, that is the palms should be towards the sky, hand outstretched right in front of the breast. Nothing
against this as some persons doing Tawaf are seen doing this.
the 9th, he should offer the Fajar Prayer, busying himself thereafter in Durood etc like the sun shines on the hillock of Shaheer where at he should move to Arafat, reciting once again `Labbaik', Durood other rite on the way. As soon as Jabal-e-Rahmat appears he should increase the recitals (Labbaik, Durood, Dua) because this is the place and occasion of the acceptance of prayers.
On reaching Arafat he must no cause inconvenience to any one and sit at the place which he gets, except that he should sit at a place which is not the passage for others to move along. At noon he should take bath, it is Sunnate Muakkidah. If the bath is not possible, Wazu or ablution will be enough. As soon as the sun declines the Zenith, he must go to Masjid-e-Namrah and after offering sunnat prayer he should listen to the Khutba (Sermon) delivered by the Imam and offer the Zohar prayers behind the Imam. Immediately thereafter the Takbeer for the Asr prayer will be announced which prayer should be offered behind the Imam. There is no question of indulging in personal or other matters in between Zohar and Asr which is the period of intense devotion in hearty recitiors of Durood, dua or other prayers. There is no nafil or sunnat after Asr.
Immediately after the Asr prayers, he must hurry to the place of stay `Mauqif' where it is ordained that the pilgrims should proffer supplication to Allah alongwith Durood, Dua and other rites. On this day, staying at Mauqif and keeping oneself in prayers is the essence and spirit of the Hajj, which should continue after the Asr till sunset. It is also one of the cardinal part (ritual or Ruk'n) of the pilgrimage.
PROBLEM:- The time for Wuqoof is from the decline of the sun on the 9th Zil Hajj till the morning of 10th. If any one makes wuqoof at a time other than this, he will not gain the reward of the Hajj, unless it the wuqoof at other time is on account of difference of moon-sight.
He should go to MUZDALFAH immediately after the sunset in the company of the Imam. If the Imam delays his departures, the pilgrim should not wait for him and reach MUZDALFAH, reciting Labbaik, dua and Durood throughout the journey. If possible, he should with brisk paces. He may also avail any model of conveyance or transport. But he must down the transport as soon as MUZDALFAH comes to sight and cover the remaining distance on foot, Beller still is that he should enter MUZDALFAH after a bath (or Wazu). On entering MUZDALFAH he should recite the dua;
(O Allah! This is (the Place of) Gathering (of Ummah), so I beseech You the Forgiveness and security in the World and the Hereafter).
After reaching here he should a light, a little away from Jabal-e-Quzah (or Wherever inconvient). Here he should offer the combined Prayers of Maghrib and Isha, even if the time of Maghrib prayer has passed; both these prayers shall be offered as regular prayers (not Qaza, but `Ada' or in time) will clear Niyats for both. First the Farz of Maghrib, then immediately after the Farz of Asha, then the sunnat (prayers) of maghrib and Isha, then the wits of Isha.
After these Namaz (prayers) the rest of the night should be spent in Durood, Dua and Zikro Tasbeeh, because this is the most auspicious time and the most auspicious place for the acceptance of prayers in the Divine Presence.
The Morning Prayer (Namaz-e-Fajr_ should be offered at the early hours after the break of down when it is still dark (because the sun-rise is at least and hour later). After the Namaz-e-Fajr there is another Wuqoof preferably on the hills of Mash'aril Haraam it self or wherever the place is available down the skirt of the hill or the valley or any other place at the Muhassar. This wuqoof is similar to the wuqoot at Arafat, keeping oneself in constant recitation of Labbaik, Durood and Dua. The time of this wuqoof is from the break of the morning till is bright after the sun-rise. One who does not come here at this hour, he misses the Wuqoof.
Now when it is still for offering two rakats of namaz, he should go to Mina in the company of the Imam. At this place he should pick up seven small stones of the size of the date-seed, wash them three time and keep them in his pockets. Through out the way he must continue reciting `Labbaik, Durood and*Dua'.
PROBLEM:-At Arfat there is one Azan and two Takbeers of Iqamat (arranging rows people for offering the salat or namaz) for the salats of Zohar and Asr, while at MUZDALFAH there is one Azan and one Takbeer (Iqamat) for Maghrib and Isha.
When he reaches the valley of Muhassar he should pass by very briskly, reciting this dua;
(O Allah! Do not Kill us with Your wrath and do not destroy us by Your affliction and grant us security before this).
When Mina comes to sight, he should recite this dua (which has already been quoted above)
(O Allah! This is Mina so grant me the Favor of Grace and peace
with which You have Favoured Your Friends).
On reaching Mina, before doing anything else, he must first
go to JAMRATUL AQABAH. He should stand at least 5 to 6 feet away
*: He should also recite this dua;
O Allah! Unto You I and I feel fear of Your Punishment and unto You I come back and I feel fright so accept my sacrifice and magnify my reward and have mercy at my humility and accept my repentance and grant my prayers.
from Jamra in such a way that he is at the central place (or in between) the Mecca Muazzama and the first Nala in the drain pipe and by holding a stone in his fore finger and the thumb and raising his arm high enough so that the while of the arm pit become visible throw the stone (at the Jamra, commonly known as Satan or Shaitan) while reciting the following dua;
(In the Name of Allah, Great is Allah, I strike Shaitan to please Rehman (the Most Beneficent). O Allah! make this as the Hajj-e-Mabroor and the Endeavor of Thankfulness and the Forgiveness of sins)
It is better that the stones strike of 3, 4 feet from the
1Jamrah. If the distance of the fall of the stone is move than this, it is not to be counted. In this way he must throw seven stone pieces, one by one. He should stop reciting `Labbaik' at the strike of the very first stone. When he finishes 2Rami (stoning the satan) he should not stay there any longer. He must return at once, reciting dua and rites.
After the Rami comes the stage of 3Sacrifice (Qurbani). Which he must perform. After this he must pray to Almighty Allah for the acceptances of Hajj by himself and those from all the muslims who have fulfilled the obligations in this behalf.
After the sacrifice, he should sit facing the Qibla (Kaba) and have his entire shaven (known as HALQ) or trim the hair (as he may desire), but shaving the head is more beneficial and blissful. But shaving of head is forbidden (Haram) for the women, they may just have their hair cut short by an inch or two. The cut shaven or trimmed hair should be buried, similarly thing which are usually removed from the person such as nail etc. should also be buried. Here he must take care not to clip the nail or shave the beard or most ache before the Halq (sharing of
head). Otherwise dam will become hinding. (Dam stands for an expiatory sacrifice of an animal for any lapse in the obligatory rites etc). However, there is no expiation or dam for shaving the beard and trimming the mostache after the shaving of head. Rather it mustahab or desirable, yet shaving/shortening of beard should is not he done as a respect for the beard in Islam while shaving the head (HALQ) first the hair on the right side should be cut, reciting "Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar Lailaha il lal Laho Wallho
1Jamrah:In between Mecca and Mina there are three pillars known as Jamrah. The one which is near Mina is called`Jmarah the First (OOLA) the central one is known as Jamra Wasta (center) and the last one which is nearer Mecca is called Jamrat ul Aqabah.
2Rami: The time for Rami is form the 10th morning to the morning of the 11th Zil Hij. However the sunnat is after the sunrise till the Decline (Zawal).
3Sacrifice:This is not the Qurbani which is performed on the occasion of Baqrid. IT is by way of Thanks going on account of Haji. It is compulsory for the rich and Mustahab for the poor.
Akbar, Allaho Akbra,wa lil lahil Hamd.
often times during the Halq and also at the end, while having the head shaver this dua may also be recited,
(All praise is due to Allah on what he guided us and send reward to us and allowed us to fulfill the rites (etc). O Allah! This forehead of mine is in Your Hand, so make all my hairs a Noor (Divine Light) on the Day of Judgement, and remove evils from me and as a reward of it elevate my status in the lofty Paradise. O Allah! bless me in my self and accept (endeavors) of mine.
O Allah! forgive me and those who have shaven their heads and trimmed their hairs, O with Vast Forgiveness).
And pray forgiveness for the entire Ummah. Now all things which were forbidden on account of Ahram, now become permissible except intercourse with wife (and lawful maid servants) to touch or look as them in a luscious manner or their private parts which are still haram or strictly un lawful.
Now after the hair-cut, it is better to reach Mecca on the 10th. For the Faze (obligatory) Tawaf, this Tawaf is the second rukn (ritual Obligation) of the Hajj. This Tawaf will be like the Tawaf of the first occasion, but ow there shall be no ISTABAA. After this two Rakats should be offered. Now the wives become permissible or all the essential processes have been fulfilled, declaring the completion of Hajj. This means that the Two main Arakan (plural of rukn, the essential part of performance) namely Woqoof and Tawaf have been accomplished.
But he has to turn to Mina to spend the 11th and 12th nights, it is sunnat, as it is sunnat to stay here during the 10th night. On the 11th after the Zohar prayer and the Khutba (sermon) of the Imam he should go for Rami. In these days, the Rami should begin with JAMRAH the First which is near the Masjid KHEEF. For this Rami he should come by climbing the mounds at Mecca and facing Qibla he should throw of stones as he has done in the First Rami on the 10th. After the 7th stone he should move a little of the Jumrah and facing Kaba he should raise hands for the prayers (dua) in a manner that the palms remain towards the Qibla and stay there for a time which may be needed for reciting twenty verses of the Holy Quran reciting praise to Allah (Hamd,) Durood and other dua.
Then he should move the central Jumrah or Jumrah Wasta for rami, dua and durood as before. Then finally he should go to the Jumrat ul Aqaba for rami, but he should not stay there, rather return promptly reciting Durood, Dua etc on the way on the 12th. Then on the 12th he should do Rami on the three *Jumrah and start -----------------------------------------------------------------
*PROBLEM:- For Rami, tees than seven stone pieces in not (P.T.O)
for Mecca to reach there before on the sun set. He may return, if he desires, on the 13th. If he does so he will have to do Rami on that (13th) day after the decline of sun (Zawal-e-Aftab). This is more bliss full. On the last day on the 12th or 13th when he returns from Mina on way to Mecca, he should get down from the carriage/animal at WADI MUHASSAB, which is situated near JANNAT UL MUALLA, (or without alighting) he should stay there for some time and pray for the departed souls. However it is more blissful if he stays here till Isha and offer all the prayers (Salat or Namaz) at He may have short sleep here, where after he should enter Mecca.
From 13th onwards he may at Mecca for as long as he desires, performing Umrah(s) and visiting Holy Places during his stay. When he wishes to leave Mecca he should do the Tawaf-e-Wida (Farewell) without Ramal. Farz Tawaf is also known as Tawaf-e-Ziarat and as well as Tawaf-e-Afazah.
PROBLEM:- The most suitable time for shaving the head or hair cut is the period known as Ayyam-e-Nah (Days of sacrifices) which means 10th, 11th and 12th of Zil Hajj, the most auspicious day is the 10th, if he does not have the hair cut by the 12th, then Dam will become necessary.
This Tawaf-e-Wida is compulsory for those coming from other places. After the Tawaf he should offer two rakat of Nafil, as usual, at Maqame-e-Ibrahim are drink water at the Zamzam well and pour it on his person. Then he should stand at the threshold of the Kaba, kiss it by way of respect and reverence and offer thanks to the Providence for enable him to perform Hajj and pray its acceptance expressing at the same time his desire to enable him to come and perform the pilgrimage again and again. His dua should all inclusive and for all. Or he may recite this prayer;
(The Beggar has come at Your door-steps, he begs Your Blessing and belief-full knowledge of You and entertains hope of Your Mercy (O Allah!)
Then he should come to MULTAZIM and holding the covering (ghilaf) of Kaaba and embracing it he should recite Zikr (remembrance of Allah), Durood and dua as much as he can and before departing he should recite comprehensive dua;
(All Praise id due to Allah Who guided unto this and we were not able to guide ourselves unless Allah guided us. O Allah! grant us -----------------------------------------------------------------
permissible. If he uses only three stones or does not use any stone at all, a penance by way of Dam will be necessary. If he uses only stones, then for each remains he will have to offer Sadaqah.
PROBLEM:- To pick up stones from near about Jumra, is Makrooh (detestable).
guidance as You have guided us for this and accept it as (endea
vour) from us and do not make this as the last promise (to visit) for Your Sacred House (Bait il Haram) and grant me subsistence to return to it (again and again) so long as You are pleased, In the Name of Your Mercy, O the most Merciful of those who show mercy. And all Praise is due for Allah the Lord sustainer of (all) the worlds and Peace and grace of Allah be on Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his kin and his companions).
Then kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad and recite this invocation (dua) with all humility in heart and tears in the eyes;
(O Allah! the Provider of Felicity in His Land, I state witness (or give evidence) of You (Your Favors) and Allah is Sufficient as Witness. I give evidence (stand witness) by (the Faith) that there in no god but Allah and I also give evidence (asa witness) that Muhammad id The Apostle of Allah and I shall repeat and proclaim this evidence in the Presence of Allah the Most Dignified in the Day of Judgment, the Day of greatest mental distraction. O Allah I stand witness in Your (Your Name) on this (matter) and His great Angels state witness by this (truth). And Allah Peace and grace be on our Master and Chief (saiyad) Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and an progeny and companions all together).
Then retracing steps with and turning back towards Kaaba and should the pricients through the door of Masjid-e-Haram by placing the left foot our and reciting the usual dua is prescribed while leaving the masjid (at any place). It is better to come out through Bab ul Hazawarah (Note: while leaving the bidding farewell (Wide) to Kaaba Sharif on can also walk straight out of the
Masjid but he must bear the pangs of separation in his heart which he can express by turning face to Kaaba again and again which pacing out). Women in an unclean state due to Haiz (menstruation) and Nifas (Bleeding on account of child birth) must not go in, they should wait outside and last eyes of sadness and grief on the Kaaba as expressions of separation.
After coming out on the open he must distribute alms and charity among the beggars and destitutes who beg for help. Now his stay and fulfillment of Hajj obligatours are over. He has now to make preparations for journey to Madena ul Rasool Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Sallam.
Among the details mentioned in connection with the performance of Hajj, some aspects are Farz, and some are Wajib, while some are sunnat. If anything among the Farz is omitted by passed (for any reasons) then the Hajj itself is rendered invalid. If any Wajih is left over, the Hajj as a whole will not be affected but it will he incomplete and the DAM (sacrifice permitance) will become essential and the loss of sunnat will reduce the sawab (award) to some extent.
The following things are Farz (compulsory) in the Hajj.
1. Ahram.
2. Wuqoof-e-Arafah (stay at Arafat). Which (latter) means that in between the time from the decline of the sun in the 9th ZilHaj
till the down of 10th, one must stay at the Arafat.
3. Tawaf: Ziarat's greater part or minimum found circuitous (phera) round should be spent in Tawaf.
4. Niyat or intent (details have gone earlier) by words of mouth.
5. Tarteeb (in serial order), performance of different ceremonies\ritual in the ordained manner. It means the first of all Ahram should be put on as without Ahram no Hajj (or Ummrah) is neither possible nor permissible, then wuqoof at Arafat, then Tawaf-e-Ziarat.
6. To perform all Farz strictly at the prescribed time limit (i.e. wuqoof, between 9th afternoon and 10th before the break down and Tawaf Ziarat after the wuqoof.
7. Place or Site: Wuqoof on the plains of Arafat (or adjourning areas in case of over crowding), Tawaf with the limits of Khana Kaaba.
In Hajj following things are wajib.
1. To put on Ahram form any of the prescribed Meeqats. One should move ahead of Meeqat without Ahram. It is however permissible if any one puts on Ahram before arriving at Meeqat.
2. Sa'ee (running between Safa and Marwa).
3. To begin Sa'ee from Safa.
4. To perform sa'ee on foot.
5. To do Tawaf before proceeding for Sa'ee.
6. If Arafa (staying at Arafat) is done during the day time, then he must stay there till the sun set and come darkness of night becomes visible.
7. It is wajib to begin wuqoof after the decline of sun at any part of the day.
8. To follow Imam on return from Arafat. However if the Imam for reason is late leaving Arafat, the pilgrim can start early.
9. To stay at Muzdalfah and offer Maghrib and Isha combined at Muzdalfah.
10. Rami: To strike Jumrah on 10th, 11th and 12th which means on the 10th only at Jumratul Aqaba and strike stones on all three Jumrah, on 11th and 12th.
11. Rami at Jumrah Aqaba on the first Day (10th) before the hair cut.
12. To do rami on all days at the same time of each day.
13. Hair cut (shaving of head) or shortening the hair on the Days of Nahr.
14. Greats part of the Tawaf-e-Afaza in Days of sacrifice (Ayyam-e-Nahr).
15. Tawaf after the Hateem by the right side, which means that Kaaba should be on left side of the man doing Tawaf.
16. To do Tawaf on foot.
17. While doing Tawaf one should he with wazu or ghus'l (ablution or bath). If he is without wazu or bath, he must start Tawaf afresh.
18. To keep the shame parts of the body hidden while doing Tawaf.
19. To offer two rakats of Namaz after the Tawaf. This is wajib but if not done, Dam will not be necessary, while for other wajib referred to above and those follow, dam is essential if any of these wajibs is omitted.
20. There should order in Rami slaughtering the animal and Halq (head shave) and Tawaf one after the other.
21. TAWAF-E-SADR or the Farewell (Wida) for all those who live beyond the territories of Meeqat.
22. Ladies who are in Menses or in uncleanliness should wait till are purified. However in case of travel by caravan the affected can leave with the Tawaf-e-Wida in that state if the scheduled departure of the caravan is announced.
23. There should be no cohabiting with wife after the Woquf-e-Arafa and before the hair cut, (Note: If during the Tawaf the shame parts become open, the Dam shall become binding.
In addition to these wajibs there are some more wajibs on the omission of which `dam' does not become binding. These are: (a) on account of some ailment etc not to have hair shave.
(b) not to delay the Namaze Maghrib till the time of Isha so that there be offered combinedly.
The following are sunnat in Hajj:
1. Tawaf-e-Qudoom (the First Tawaf which a non-resident of Arabia).
2. To begins Tawaf From the Hajar-e-Aswad.
3. To do ramal in Tawafe Qudoom or Tawafe Farz.
4. Sa'ee between the Safa and Marwa.
5. Delivering khutba by the Imam on these dates namely on the 7th in Mecca, on the 9th at Arafat and on the 11th in Mina.
6. To depart from Mecca after Fajr prayer, on the 8th, so that all the five prayers (namaz) could be offered at Mina.
7. To spend the night of 9th at Mina.
8. To proceed from Mina to Arafat after the sunrise
9. To have bath prior to going to Arafat for wuqoof.
10. To stay at Muzdalfa after the return from Arafat.
11. To start from Muzdalfa on way to Mina before the sun-rise.
12. To spend both the night of 10th and 11th at Mina.
13. If one stays at Mina till 13th then he should also stay in Mina in the night past the 12th.
14. To alight or stay at the ABTAH in the valley of Muhassab, even if it be for a short while (There are other aspects of sunnat which we mentioned in the section titled procedure/Method).
Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, colour, social status, and culture gather together in Mecca and stand before the Kaaba praising Allah together.
It is a ritual that is designed to promote the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah.
The Hajj makes Muslims feel real importance of life here on earth, and the afterlife, by stripping away all markers of social status, wealth, and pride. In the Hajj all are truly equal.
The Hajjis or pilgrims wear simple white clothes called Ihram. During the Hajj the Pilgrims perform acts of worship and they renew their sense of purpose in the world.
Mecca is a place that is holy to all Muslims. It is so holy that no non-Muslim is allowed to enter.
For Muslims, the Hajj is the fifth and final pillar of Islam. It occurs in the month of Dhul Hijjah which is the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is the journey that every sane adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it and are physically able.
History of the Hajj
Four thousand years ago the valley of Mecca was a dry and uninhabited place.
Muslims believe the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was instructed to bring his wife, Hajira (Hagar) and their child Is'mail to Arabia from Palestine to protect them from the jealousy of Ibrahim's first wife Sarah.
Allah told the Prophet Ibrahim to leave them on their own, and he did so, with some supplies of food and water. However the supplies quickly ran out and within a few days Hajira and Is'mail were suffering from hunger and dehydration.
In her desperation Hajira ran up and down two hills called Safa and Marwa trying to see if she could spot any help in the distance. Finally she collapsed beside Is'mail and prayed to Allah for deliverance.
Is'mail struck his foot on the ground and this caused a spring of water to gush forth from the earth. Hajira and Is'mail were saved. Now they had a secure water supply they were able to trade water with passing nomads for food and supplies.
After a while the Prophet Ibrahim returned from Palestine to check on his family and was amazed to see them running a profitable well.
The Prophet Ibrahim was told by Allah to build a shrine dedicated to him. Ibrahim and Is'mail constructed a small stone structure - the Kaaba or Cube - which was to be the gathering place for all who wished to strengthen their faith in Allah.
As the years passed Is'mail was blessed with Prophethood and he gave the nomads of the desert the message of surrender to Allah.
After many centuries, Mecca became a thriving city thanks to its reliable water source, the well of Zam Zam.
Gradually, the people began to adopt polytheistic ideas, and worship spirits and many different gods. The shrine of the Prophet Ibrahim was used to store idols.
After many years, Allah told the Prophet Muhammed that he should restore the Kaaba to the worship of Allah only.
In the year 628 the Prophet Muhammed set out on a journey with 1400 of his followers. This was the first pilgrimage in Islam, and would re-establish the religious traditions of the Prophet Ibrahim.
Guide to going to Mecca
Guide to going to Mecca
Pilgrim with his belongings ©
It's best to travel light, so only take essentials.
Many pilgrims fly to Jeddah, and then travel to Mecca by bus.
Once you get to Mecca, there are two rituals which you can perform; the lesser pilgrimage or Umra, and the main pilgrimage or Hajj.
The Umra is an extra, optional pilgrimage and does not count as the once-in-a-lifetime Hajj. Although it includes some of the rituals of the Hajj, they are shortened and there are fewer of them.
Most pilgrims who come for the Hajj arrive a few days before it actually starts and perform Umra first. Combining the Hajj with the Umrah is called a Hajji-Tamattu.
Being pure
To carry out the pilgrimage rituals you need to be in a state of Ihram, which is a special state of ritual purity.
You do this by making a statement of intention, wearing special white clothes (which are also called ihram) and obeying the regulations below.
The person on the Hajj may not:
Engage in marital relations
Shave or cut their nails
Use cologne or scented oils
Kill or hunt anything
Fight or argue.
Women must not cover their faces, even if they would do so in their home country.
Men may not wear clothes with stitching.
Bathing is allowed but scented soaps are frowned upon.
The Hajj is a real pilgrimage - a journey, with rites and rituals to be done along the way.
You begin at a place just outside Mecca called the Miqat, or entry station to the Hajj.
There you bathe, put on the Ihram (the special white clothes), make the intention for Umra and begin reciting the Talbiya Du'a (prayer).
Here I am at Your service, O Allah, here I am at your service! You have no partner. Here I am at your service. All praise and blessings belong to you. All dominion is yours and You have no partner.
Talbiya Du'a
Then you go to the Masjid al Haram and walk around the Ka'ba seven times repeating du'as and prayers. This is called the Tawaf. Afterwards you should sip some Zam Zam water.
Zam Zam water is water from the Zam Zam well, the sacred well which opened in the desert to save Hajira and Is'mail from dying of thirst.
Next you go to the walkway between the hills of Safa and Marwa and walk back and forth between them seven times.
This completes the Umra portion of the Hajj rituals and some of the Ihram restrictions are relaxed.
Now make your intention for the Hajj and put on the Ihram garments again.
Travel to Mina on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah (a date in the Islamic calendar) and remain there until Fajr (dawn) next morning.
Then you travel to the valley of Arafat and stand in the open praising Allah. The heat of Arabia at midday provides a hint as to what the Day of Judgement will be like.
At the end of the day, travel to Muzdalifa for the night. Gather together 49 or 70 small stones together to use the next day.
One of the pillars of Jamraat ©
In the morning you return to Mina and throw the stones at pillars called Jamraat. These represent the devil. Then a sacrifice called a Qurbani should be made in which a lamb or sheep is slaughtered and the meat distributed among the poor. After this, men's heads are shaved and women cut a lock of their hair.
Then return to Mecca and make a Tawaf (this is the ritual of walking around the Ka'aba seven times). Then it's back to Mina for 3 or 4 days, stoning the pillars each day.
Finally do a farewell Tawaf in Masjid-al Haram on the twelfth day of the month of Dhul Hijjah, ask Allah's forgiveness, make du'a and the Hajj is finished.
Many people then go to the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, but this is optional.
A man who has completed the Hajj is called a Hajji, a woman who has completed it is called a Hajjah.
At the end of the Hajj, Muslims from all over the world celebrate the holiday known as the Eid ul Adha or Festival of the sacrifice.
This festival commemorates the obedience of the Prophet Ibrahim when he was ordered to sacrifice his son Is'mail.
Ibrahim proved his love and devotion to Allah by showing his willingness to kill his beloved son if Allah wished it. In the end Ibrahim did not have to kill his son as Allah gave him a ram to sacrifice instead.
Ka’aba The House Of Allah
In the province of Hejaz in the western part of Arabia, not far from the Red Sea, there lies the town of Makka. In the centre of this town there is a small square building made of stones, about 60 feet long, 60 feet wide and 60 feet high. Since time immemorial this town and this stone built house has been known to world travellers. This is Baitullah, the House of Allah. Its sanctity and antiquity is older than history itself.
Tradition goes that the Kaaba was ordained by Allah to be built in the shape of the House in Heaven called Baitul Ma’amoor. Allah in his infinite Mercy ordained a similar place on earth and Prophet Adam was the first to build this place. The Bible, in the Chapter of Genesis describes its building when God ordained Abraham to erect a Shrine for worship when Abraham was ordered to go to the Southern desert with his wife Hagera and infant son Ismael. The Old Testament describes this building as the Shrine of God at several places, but the one built at Ma’amoor is very much similar to the one at Makka. There is no doubt that it was referring to the stone built house at Makka.
Qora’an brought this story into the full light of history. In Sura 3 Verse 90 Qora’an says “Allah has spoken the Truth, therefore follow the creed of Ibrahim, a man of pure faith and no idolater”. The first house established for the people was at Makka, a Holy place and a guidance to all beings. Qora’an firmly establishes the fact that Ibrahim was the real founder of the Holy Shrine.
When Prophet Ibrahim built the Holy Shrine in Makka, his prayers were that this place should remain a centre of worship for all good and pious people; that Allah should keep his family the custodians of the Holy place. Ever since, Ismael the son of Ibrahim who helped his father to build this place and his descendants remained the custodians of the Holy Shrine. History tells us that centuries passed and the guardianship of the Kaaba remained in the family of Ismael until the name of Abde Manaf came into the limelight. He inherited this service and made it much more prominent. His son Hashim took this leadership and extended it to many other towns of Hejaz so much so that many pilgrims flocked annually to this place and enjoyed Hashims’s hospitality. A feast was given in honour of the pilgrims, food and water was served to all guests by the family of Hashim. This prominence created jealousies and his brother Abdushams’ adopted son Ummayya tried to create trouble. There was a dispute in which Umayya failed and left Makka to settle down in the Northern provinces of Suria(Sham) currently known as Syria. After Hashim his brother Muttalib and after him Hashim’s son Shyba who became known as Abdul Muttalib assumed the leadership of the family. He organised feasts and supplies of water to the pilgrims during the annual festival of Pilgrimage to the Holy Shrine.
Prophet Ibrahim built this House for devout worship to one God. But within his lifetime people disobeyed his orders and began to put idols inside the Kaaba. Ibrahim had to clean the House of these idols and of Idle worshippers. He told the people that this was a symbolic house of God. God does not live there for He is everywhere. People did not understand this logic and no sooner had Ibrahim died the people, out of reverence, filled the place with idols again. They thronged to this place annually and worshipped their personal gods, It was over Four Thousand years later that the last of the line of prophet (SA), Muhammad Ibne Abdullah entered Makka triumphantly, went inside the Ka’aba and, with the help of his cousin and son in law Ali Ibne Abi Talib, (AS) destroyed all the idols of Ka’aba with their own hands. At one stage of this destruction of idols, the tallest of the idol Hubbol was brought down after Ali had to stand on the shoulders of the Prophet to carry out God’s orders. The Prophet of Islam was reciting the Verse from the Qur’an
“Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished.”
This was done in the 8th year of Hijra, January 630 AD after the bloodless victory at Makka by the Prophet of Islam.
Historically when Ibrahim was ordered by Allah to build the Shrine for worship over a small he uncovered the original foundations of the Kaaba built by Adam. Ibrahim with the help of his son Ismael erected the new shrine on the same foundations. Originally it contained only four walls without a roof . Centuries later during the timeof Kusayi who was the leader of the Tribe of Quraish in Makka a taller building was completed with a roof and a quadrangle wall around it to give it the shape of a sanctuary and doors all around the sanctuary walls. People entered through these doors to come to the Ka’aba for worship. It is now about 60 feet high, 60 feet wide from east to west and 60 feet from north to south. A door is fixed about 7 feet above ground level facing North East. A Black stone (Hajar al Aswad) was fixed into its eastern corner. In front of the building was Maqame Ibrahim, the arch shape gate known as that of Banu Shayba and the Zamzam Well. Just outside are the Hills called Safa and Merwa and the distance between the hills is about 500 yards. These days both of the hills are enclosed into the sanctuary walls with a roof over it.
The whole building is built of the layers of grey blue stone from the hills surrounding Makka. The four corners roughly face the four points of the compass. At the East is the Black stone (Rukn el Aswad), at the North is el Ruken el Iraqi, at the west al Rukne el Shami and at the south al Rukne el Yamani. The four walls are covered with a curtain (Kiswa). The kiswa is usually of black brocade with the Shahada outlined in the weave of the fabric. About 2/3rd’s of the way up runs a gold embroidered band covered with Qur'anic text.
In the Eastern corner about 5 feet above ground the Hajar el Aswad (the blackstone) is fixed into the wall. Its real nature is difficult to determine, its visible shape is worn smooth by hand touching and kissing. Its diameter is around 12 inches. Opposite the North west wall but not connected with it, is a semi circular wall of white marble. It is 3 feet high and about 5 feet thick. This semi circular space enjoys an especial consideration and pilgrims wait in queue to find a place to pray there. The graves of Ismael and his mother Hajera are within this semi circular wall. Between the archway and the facade (N.E.) is a little building with a small dome, the Maqame Ibrahim. Inside it is kept a stone bearing the prints of two human feet. Prophet Ibrahim is said to have stood on this stone when building the Ka’aba and marks of his feet are miraculously preserved.
On the outskirts of the building to the North East is the ‘Zamzam Well’ (this is now put under ground).
History of the building of the Ka’aba.
Qur’an in Sura Baqra Verses 121 to 127 described it clearly that Allah had ordained his servant Ibrahim to build the Shrine there for worship of One God. During Kusayi’s time it was rebuilt and fortified. During the early years of Prophet Muhammad (SA) before he announced his ministry, the Ka’aba was damaged by floods and it was rebuilt again. When the Black stone was to be put in its place the Makkans quarrelled among themselves as to who should have the honour to place it there. They had just decided that the first comer to the quadrangle should be given the task of deciding as to who should have the honour. Muhammad (SA) came in and was assigned this task. He advised them to place the stone in a cloak and ordered the heads of each Tribe each to take an end and bring the cloak nearer the corner on the eastern side. He himself then took out the stone and placed it in its position. It has been fixed there ever since.
After the martyrdom of the family of the Prophet at Kerbala in 61 Hijri (681 AD), the Ummayad Caliph Yazid Ibne Moawiya did not stop there in the pursuit of his destruction. He sent a large contingent under the command of Haseen Ibne Namir to Madina which destroyed the Mosque of the Prophet. They did not stop there but proceeded to Makka and demolished the four walls of the Ka’aba and killed thousands of muslims who protested. Yazid died and Ibne Namir returned to Damascus, Ka’aba was rebuilt by Abdullah Ibne Zubayr and his associates. Umawi forces came back to Makka and killed Abdullah Ibne Zubayr, hung his body on the gates of the Ka’aba for three months for all to see the Umawi power. But eventually this arrogance of power brought its own consequences and Mukhtar became the ruler in Iraq. Under his guidance the Ka’aba was refurbished and pilgrims began to arrive in safety to perform Hajj.
The Ka’aba successfully withstood the Karamatian invasion of 317/929, only the Blackstone was carried away which was returned some twenty years later. In the year 1981 the Wahabis brought tanks inside the Ka’aba to crush the kahtani revolution against the Saudi regime and almost demolished the South Eastern Wall. This was later restored with the help of the Makkan people.
Every man living in Makka in the 6th and 7th century must out of necessity have had some relationship with the Ka’aba. On the Muhammad (SA), the Prophet of Islam, the Qur’an is silent during the Makkans period in this respect. All that is known is that the muslim community of the period turned towards Jerusalem in prayers. Subsequently about a year and a half after the Hijra the Muslims were ordered during prayers which were lead by the Prophet of Islam himself to turn towards Makka. The particular mosque in Madina where this happened is called Masjide Qiblatain, meaning the mosque with two Qiblas.The Qur’an tells the muslims, “ turn then thy face towards the sacred mosque and wherever ye be turn your faces towards that part ”Qur’an II,139/144.
At this same period the Qur’an began to lay stress on the religion of Ibrahim, presenting Islam as a return to the purity of the religion of Ibrahim which, obscured by Judaism and Christianity, shone forth in its original brightness in the Qur’an. The pilgrimage’s to the Ka’aba and ritual progressions around the building were continued, but were now for the glorification of One God. The Abrahimic vision of the Ka’aba created a means of discerning an orthodox origin buried in the midst of pagan malpractices to which the first muslims pointed the way.
Every year after the Hajj ceremony the place is closed for one month and on the Day of Ashura the Ka’aba is washed from inside by the Water from the well of Zamzam and a new Kiswa is brought to cover the Ka’aba for the next year.
This is the story of the Ka’aba and the persons who protected it and remained its custodians and protectors from the satanic and evil forces throughout history. Muhammad (SA) and the people of his household (Ahlulbayt) were the protectors of the Ka’aba, and currently the 12th Imam from the direct descent of the Prophet of Islam is the real protector, its custodian and guardian and shall remain as such while in concealment. In the following pages we shall unfold the lives and times of these 14 Masoomeen Alaihimussalam.
The word Islam means 'submission to the will of God'. Islam is the second largest religion in the world with over 1 billion followers.
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