Character and Conduct of Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
(Source: Ihya-Ulum-Id-Din by Imam Ghazzali (r.a.) Revival of Religious Learnings-
English Translation by Fazlul Karim Publisher Darul-Ishaat Karachi Pakistan)
DATE: 450-505 (A.H.) 1058 -1111 A.D.
All praise is due to Allah who created the universe and taught. His greatest Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) (peace be upon Him) the best good manners, purified his character and conduct and adopted him as His friend. He gives grace to follow the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to one who wishes to make his character and conduct beautiful. He deprives one to follow whom he wishes to destroy. Open good conduct is the fountain of secret good conduct. The movements of the bodily limbs are the results of thoughts of mind and the external actions are the result of character and conduct. To make efforts in recognizing Allah and the acquisition of wonderful secret powers are the fountains of actions.
The light of this secret power is expressed outwardly and makes the body beautiful and gives rise to good attributes after removing evils. The man who has got, not fear in mind, has got not fear expressed in his bodily limbs. The beauty of the conduct of prophethood is not expressed in a man whose mind is not illumined with the light of Allah. I intended to gather together in this chapter the ways of the life of his ways in the first and second parts of this book. I do not wish to repeat them here.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Learning Through the Quran
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) used to invoke and pray to the Almighty Allah to grant him good manners and good treatment with the people and to adorn him with good character and conduct. He use to say in his invocation: "O Allah, make my constitution and conduct good. He used to pray: O Allah, save me from bad character and conduct. Acceptance of his prayer is seen in the following verse. Invoke me, I will respond to you 2:186. Allah revealed the Quran on him and through it He taught him good manners. His character is the Quran. Sa’ad (Radihiallaho Anho) reported: Once I went to Ayesha (Radihiallaho Anha) and her father and asked them about the character and conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to which Ayesha (Radihiallaho Anho) replied: Don't you read the Quran? I said: Yes. She said: The character of the Messenger of Allah is the Quran. His conduct is expressed in the following verse:
Take to pardon, enjoin good and turn away from the illiterate.
Allah says: Allah enjoins justice, kindness, giving charity to the relatives and prohibits indecencies, evils and rebellion -16:90.
Have patience at the disasters that befall on you. It is a difficult task. It is difficult to have patience and to forgive.
Allah says: Pardon and forgive them. Allah loves the doers of good. Allah says: Don't you like that Allah should forgive you?
Allah says: Remove evil with what is good, as a result the enmity that exists between you and him will be removed and he will become your friend.
Allah says: Those who appease their wrath, those who pardon people, Allah loves the doers of good.
Allah says: Give up conjectures in most cases, as some conjecture is sin. Don't spy and don't back-bite one another.
In the battle of Uhud, when the cover of the head of the Prophet fell down and he became separated from his companions, blood was oozing out from his face and he said wiping his blood: How will the people get salvation who dyed the face of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) with blood while he calls them towards their Lord? Then Allah revealed this verse:
"‘You have got no hand in the matter. This was only for teaching him good manners.
The verse concerning the teaching of good manners to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) are many in the Quran. It was the first object of Allah to teach the Prophet good manners and good character and conduct. For this reason, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: I have been sent to completed good conduct. Allah praised the character of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) by saying! You are surely on sublime character. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) explained it to the people: Allah loves good character, hates bad character.
Ali (Radhiallahho Anho) said: I wonder for a Muslim who does not do benefit to his brother Muslim who stands in need of it. If he hopes for rewards and fears punishment, he should hasten towards good conduct as it shows the path of salvation.
A man asked Ali (Radhiallahho Anho): Have you heard it from the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)? He said: Yes, I have heard better advice from him. When the prisoners of the tribe of Hatem Tai were brought to him, a girl came to him out of them and said: O Muhammad, if you wish, release me, but don't dishonour me before the tribe of the Arabs. I am the daughter of the leader of my people and my father was the caretaker of my people. He used to set free the captives, feed the hungry, spread peace and did never return any beggar at the time of his need. I am the daughter of Hatem Tai. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: O girl, what you have mentioned about his qualities are the attributes of a believer. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to his companions. Let her be free as her father lewd good character and conduct.
Abu Burdah-b-Niyar stood up and said: O Messenger of Allah, does Allah love good conduct? The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied: By One in whose hand there is my life, None shall enter paradise except one who has got good conduct.
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Allah adorned Islam with good character and beautiful actions. Good company, good manners, modest talk, doing good to others, feeding, spreading peace, visiting the ill pious or sinner, following the bier of a Muslim, treating good with a neighbour believer or non-believer, showing honour to a Muslim having honour to accept invitation, to forgive, to set disputes among the people, to give charity, to greet first, to pardon the faults of the people, to give up songs, instrument of songs and jests which Islam prohibited not to backbite, to speak truth, to give up miserliness, greed, deceit, to give up bad treatment with enemy, not to cut off blood tie, to give up bad conduct, pride, glory, haughtiness, indecencies, hatred rebellion, enmity, oppression, etc., all these are the attributes of a believer.
Anas (Radhiallahho Anho) reported that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) did not give up good advice and enjoined us to stick to it. He used to warn us from backbiting and prohibited it. The following verse is sufficient to prove it: Allah loves justice and doing good to others. Muaz (Radihiallaho Anho) said: The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) advised me thus: O Muaz, I advise you: fear Allah, speak the truth, fulfil promise, pay up trust, give up breach of trust, save your neighbour, show kindness to orphans, be modest in talk, spread peace, do good deeds, hope less, stick to fifth earn knowledge about the Quran, love the next world, fear rendering of accounts and lower your aim. O Muaz, I forbid you: Don't tell a truthful man lair, don't follow any sin, don't disobey any judge, don't be a leader, don't disobey a just judge, and don't create disorder in land. I give you instruction: Fear Allah while passing by each stone, tree, and heaps of earth. Make repentance anew after committing any sin. Repent secretly for secret sin and openly for open sin.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Character and Conduct
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was the most patient among men, the bravest, the best judge, and one who pardoned most. His hand did not touch any strange woman. He was the greatest charitable man. He did not pass a single night hoarding any dirham or dinar. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy. He did not store up for more than a year the provision of his family members which Allah was pleased to give him. He used to take one fifth of what easily came to him out of dates and wheat. What remained in excess, he used to give in charity. He used to give away in charity to one who begged anything of him, even out of his stored up provision.
He used to repair his shoes, join his wives in their labours and cut meat with them. He was the most shy among men and could not stare at anyone for long. He accepted invitation of slaves and free men and presentation of even a cup of milk. He did not use the properties of Zakat and used to accept the invitation of the widows and the poor. He used to speak the truth even though it was sometimes a cause of trouble to himself and his companions. He used to say: I Don't accept any invitation of any infidel. He used to bind stones in his bell for appeasing his hunger and eat whatever he got. He did not return any present and did not take precaution in any lawful food. If he got dried grapes in lieu of bread, he ate them. If he got baked meat, he ate it. He used to eat whatever he got of bread, wheat, sweets, and honey. He considered milk as sufficient if he did not get any other food. He used not to take food leaning against a pillow or upon a high table. Soles of his two feet served as his towel. He used not to eat bread consecutively for three days till he met Allah. it was a voluntary act on his part. He used to accept invitations of marriage, attend the sick and the diseased and attend the funerals. He was the most modest without pride and his tongue was most eloquent without prolongation of his speech.
His constitution was the most beautiful. No worldly duties could keep him busy. He used to put on whatever he got. His ring was made of silver and he used to put it on in the little finger of his right or left hand. He used to take his servant behind his back on any conveyance, whether it was horse, camel or ass. Sometimes he walked bare footed, sometimes he had no turban or cap on his head.
He used to go even to a distant place to see sick, love scents and hate stench or bad smell, sit with the poor and the destitute, eat with them, honour those possessing honour, advise them to do good deeds and show kindness to the relatives. He did not treat harshly with anybody and accepted excuse offered to him. He used at times to cut jokes without falsehood and not burst into laughter.
He held innocent sports and plays as lawful, played with his wives and held races with them. He used to drink milk of camels and goats along with his family members and give them equal shares in foods and dresses. He passed no time uselessly except for Allah. He used to walk in the gardens of his companions for recreation. He did not hate the poor for their poverty, not fear the kings for their mighty power. He used to call the people, high or low, towards Allah. Allah adorned him with all the qualities, and good administration although he was illiterate. His boyhood was spent along with the shepherds and he used to graze sheep and goats. He was an orphan and his parents died in his infancy.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Good Manners
If the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) abused anybody, he used to give him compensation and show him kindness. He did never curse any woman or slave. Once when he was in the battle field, he was asked: O Messenger of Allah, it would have been better if you had cursed them. He said: Allah sent me as a mercy and not as a great curser. When he was asked once to curse a particular person or an unbeliever, he did not curse him but on the contrary prayed for his welfare. He never beat anybody with his own hand except in the way of Allah. he did not take any revenge for personal wrongs but he used to take it for preservation of the honour of Allah.
He used to select the easier of two things and kept away if there was any sin there in or anything to cut off relationship. He used to fulfill the needs of anyone who required his help, whether a slave or a freeman. Anas (Radhiallahho Anho) said: By One who sent him as a Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), he never said to me. Why have you done this or why have you not done this? His wives also did not rebuke me. If there was any bed of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), he used to sleep on it or else he used to sleep on the ground. Allah described the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) in the Torah Muhammad the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) of Allah, His chosen servant, without harshness, not roaming in the streets, not returning evil for evil. He is prone to pardon. He is forgiven. His birth is at Mecca, his migration to Ta’ba and his reign in Syria. He and his companions put on Ijar around their waists and call towards the Quran and wisdom. He makes ablution of his bodily limbs. Similar is his description in Injil (New Testament).
Another trait of his characters is that he used to salute first one whom he met with. He used to wait at a place where he was to meet a man. He used not to withdraw his hand from anybody till he first withdrew his hand. When he met with any of his companions, he used to handshake with him, hold his hand, enter his fingers unto his fingers and hold them firmly. He did not stand up or sit without remembering Allah. When anybody sat by him at the time of his prayer, he used to make it short and say to him: Have you got any need? When he fulfilled his need, he returned to his prayer.
His assembly was not different from that of his companions, as he sat where he went. He was not found sitting among his companions spreading out his legs. He used to sit mostly facing the Ka’ba and honour one who came to him. Even he used to spread his own sheet of cloth for one with whom he had no relationship. He used to give his pillow to one who came to him and everyone thought that the Prophet honoured him more . Whoever came to him could see his face.
He used to call his companions by their surnames with honour and he used to give one surname to one who had no surname. He used to call the women by the names of their issues and call others by their surnames. He used to call the boys by their surnames for which their hearts were inclined to him. He used to get angry last of all and was very affectionate and kind in dealing with the people. Nobody could speak loudly in his assembly. He used to recite: O Allah, Thou are pure, all praise is for Thee. I bear witness that there is no deity but Thee. I seek forgiveness from Thee and turn to Thee.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Words and Laughter
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and sweet speech. He said: I am the greatest orator among the Arabs. He used to speak little. When he talked, he did not talk much. His talks fell gradually from his lips like pearls. Ayesha (Radhiallahho Anha) said: the Messenger of Allah used to talk like you. They said: The Messenger of Allah used to talk little and everything was expressed in this short talk. In his speech, there was no defect of excess or shortness. The words come one after another like pearls. Whoever heard them remembered them. He was sweetest in talk among his companions. He said to keep silent for long and have no talk without necessity. He used not to talk evil words and what he talked was just. He did not use ornamental words. His companions did never dispute before him. He used to say: Don't beat one verse of the Quran by another as it has been revealed for many purposes. He used to smile much before his companions and teeth then were exposed to view.
It was reported: Once a desert Arab came to the Prophet whose face became changed at seeing him. Seeing anger in his face, the Arab said: By One who sent him as a true Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), I will not ask him till he smiles. Then he said: O Messenger of Allah, we heard that Dajial (Anti-Christ) will come with Sarid for the people. Then the people will remain hungry. My parents be sacrificed to you. Do you forbid me to eat it till I am destroyed? Do you order me to eat it with satisfaction? Shall I talk infidelity after faith in Allah? The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) laughed at this, so much so that his teeth were exposed to view. Then he said: It is not that, rather Allah will make you free from the food from which he made the believers free.
At the time when the Quran was being revealed to him, he used to smile most when something happened, he entrusted it to Allah, kept himself free from his own strength and ability and said in invocation: O Allah, show me truth in a true manner or give me grace to give it up, save me from doubt so that I may not follow my passion without Thy guidance. Make my desire to obey Thee. Take pleasure from the peace of my mind. Show me the different shades of truth. Thou guidest to the straight path whomsoever Thou willeth.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Manners in Eating
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) eat whatever he got. To him, the best food was what all partook of. When the dining cloth was spread, he used to say: In the name of Allah, O Allah, make it a sift to express gratefulness that there might be gifts in paradise. Whenever the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) sat to eat, he used to sit as praying man sits, not placing one leg upon another and say: I am a mere servant, I eat as a servant eats. He used not to take any hot food and said: There is no grace in it and Allah will not feed us with fire, so make this food cold. He used to eat whatever was presented to him with three fingers with the help of the fourth finger at times. Once a tiffin made of clarified butter, honey and wheat presented to him. He eat it and said: How good it is. He used to eat bread, curry, dates and salt. Of all the fresh fruits, the dearest to him was grapes, cucumber and water melon.
He used to eat gourd with bread and sugar and sometimes with dates. His ordinary meal consists of dates and water. Sometimes he mixed milk with dates. Meat was his most favourite curry. He said: Meat increase the power of hearing and is the king of foods in this world and the next. Had I prayed to my lord for eating meat everyday, He would have granted it. He used to eat cooked meat with gourd. He liked gourd and said: It is the fruit of a plant of my brother Jonah. The prophet said to me: O Ayesha (Radhiallahho Anha) when you cook meat, mix therewith much water as it makes the broken hearted strong. He used to eat the meat of hunted birds but he did not himself hunt or follow game.
He used to eat bread with butter and like goats neck and thigh. He liked gourd among curries, vinegar condiment, dried dates among dates. He prayed for three things and said: These have come from paradise and they are medicines for poison and insomnia. He liked among curries creepers of yellow newer and carrot. He disliked the meat of reservoir of urine. He did not eat several things of goat genital organ, female organ, blood, urinal meat, goitre, gall bladder, etc. He did not eat onion and garlic, nor condemned them. He used to eat what he liked and did not eat what he did not like. He did not like to eat the meat of lizard and cockroach, neither did he prohibit them to be eaten. He used to lick up his dish with his hand and said: Most blessing is in the remnants of food.
He used to lick up his fingers after meal so much so that they assumed reddish hue. He used not to cleanse his hands with towel till he licked up his fingers well and said: Nobody knows in which food there is blessing. When he finished his meal, he used to say: O Allah, for Thee is all praise. You have given me food and drink and given me satisfaction. So praise to Thee without expiation and farewell and being not free there from. He was accustomed to wipe his hand well and then wash his hands and mouth with excess water and take the name of Allah each time. He used to drink water in slow degrees and not hastily in one breath. He used not to blow breath in the cup of water at the time of drinking and supply food to one by his side.
Once he was given milk and honey mixed together but he refused to drink it saying: Two drinks at the same time and two curries at the same time! He said: I don't make them unlawful but I consider them bad for rendering accounts on the resurrection day as they are additional things in this world. I like modesty and Allah raises up one who humbles himself for Allah. He lived in his house more bashful than an unmarried girl. He used not to order for preparation of any food and eat whatever was given to him and remain silent if not given.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Manners in Dress
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) use to put on sheet, gown, shirt and whatever he got. Green dress used to please him but most of his dresses were white. He said: Give your living men to dress with white garments and dress your dead therewith. He used to put on gown for Jihad. His shirt was long up to his thigh. He had only one shirt dyed with saffron with which he led prayers. Sometimes he put on only one shirt up to his thigh and say: I am only a slave. I put on garment as a slave puts on. He had two special garments for Jumma prayer which he did not put on at other times. Sometimes he had only one garment with which he cohabited with his wives. He had a black garment which he gifted away.
Omme Salma said: What fault has this black garment committed? He replied: I had put it on. She said: You look more beautiful if the black garment mixes with your beautiful constitution. Sometimes, he used to go out putting on a seal tied with thread in his hand. He used to impress his letters with seal and say: It is better to put seal in letter than back-biting. He used to put on cap under his turban. If he had no turban, he used to put on cap. Sometimes, he took off his cap from his head and fixed it in front as a prayer-stake. When he had no turban and cap, he covered his head with a sheet of cloth. He had a turban named Sahhab which he presented to Ali. (Radhiallahho Anho)
Whenever he put on a garment, he began from his right side and said: All praise is due to Allah who has given this garment to cover my private parts and to express adornment. When he wished to put off his garment, he began from his left side. When he put on a new garment, he gave his old cloth in charity to a poor man and said: If a Muslim gives his wearing garment to another Muslim, nobody except Allah will dress him. He remains in the custody of Allah till that cloth remains with him, be he alive or dead. His bed was made of grape-covers and refuges. It was two yards long and one yard and one cubit board.
He had the habit of naming animals, arms and properties. The name of his standard was Iqab, he had his swords named Zulfiqer, Makhzam, Rejab, and Kazib. The middle portion of his swords was moulded with silver. He used to wear belt of leather which had three rings of silver. The name of his arrow was Katum, of his shield Kafur, of his camel Qaswah, of his donkey Duldul, another donkey Ekab and of his goat Aynah whose milk he used to drink. He had an earthen pot, which he used as an ablution pot and drink water therefrom.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Pardon
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was the most patient among men and the most forgiving inspite of having power to take retaliation. If anybody presented to him any necklace of gold or silver, he used to give it to some of his companions. One day, a desert Arab stood up and said: O Muhammad , if Allah ordered you to do justice, I don't see you doing it. He said: Woe to you! Who will do better justice to you after me? When he was about to go, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Take him to me with humility. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was taking silver coins for the people in the cloth of Bilal in the battle of Khaiber. One man said to him: O Messenger of Allah, do justice. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to him: Woe to you, if I don't do justice, who will do justice after me? If I do not do justice, I shall be ruined and suffer loss. Omar (Radhiallahho Anho) then said: Should I not kill him as he is a hypocrite? He said: May Allah save him! In that case, people will say that I kill my companions.
Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was in a certain jihad. At one time, the unbelievers found the Muslim heedless. So one of them raised a sword upon the head of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and asked him: Who will prevent me to kill you? He at once replied: Allah, immediately the sword fell down from his hand and the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) took it up and said: Who will prevent me to kill you? He said: Hold it firmly. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Say, I bear witness, that there is no deity but Allah and that I am His Messenger. He said: I have got no envy against you, I shall not kill you. I shall not go with you and I shall not join those who fight against you. Then the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) set him free. The man went to his tribe and said: I have come to you today from the best man.
Anas (Radhiallahho Anho) reported that a Jewess mixed poison in the food of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) at Khaiber. When he began to eat it, he got smell of the poison and stopped eating. The woman was brought to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) who asked her about the poisoned food. The woman said: I intended to kill you. He said: Allah will not give you that power. The companions exclaimed: Should we not kill her? The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Don't kill her. One day a Jew enchanted the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), Jibril gave this information to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). He took out the enchanted thing and came round, but took no revenge against the Jew.
Ali (Radhiallahho Anho) said: The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) sent Jubair, Meqdad and myself to a certain place and said: Go on till you reach Raojakhak where you will find a woman with a letter which you must take from her. We then reached the place and told the woman to deliver the letter so us. The woman denied knowledge of any letter. She was then compelled to deliver the letter to us. We then came therewith to the Prophet. It was written therein, from Hateb-b-Ali Bala’a to the polytheists of Mecca, etc. This letter was written to inform them secretly the affairs of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: O Hatib, what is the matter? He said: O Messenger of Allah, don't hasten inflicting punishment on me. I have mixed with my people. the Refugees who are with you have got at Mecca their relatives who look after their families there. It was my object that though I have got no relationship with the Quraish, I would find such a man among them who will take care of my relatives there if I show kindness to them. I have not done it in a state of infidelity. I have not done it after accepting Islam being satisfied with infidelity. I have not done it being a retrograde. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: This man has spoken the truth. Omar (Radhiallahho Anho) said: Give us order to kill this hypocrite. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: He joined the battle of Badr with us. Who will inform you that the Almighty Allah addressed the warriors of Badr saying: Do whatever you like. Allah has forgiven you.
Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) distributed the booties when an Ansar stood up and said: Allah is not pleased with this distribution. When it was mentioned to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), his face turned red and he said: May Allah show you mercy. My brother Moses was given such troubles, but he remained patient. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Let nobody communicate any thing of my companions, as I wish that at the time when I come to you, I come with a sound mind.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Objects of Dislike
The skin of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was thin and his interior and exterior were clean. His pleasure and wrath were exposed in his face. When he got very angry, he used to touch his head repeatedly. He used not to disclose to anybody what appeared to him bad. One day a man dyed his body with yellow colour came to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). He dislike it but did not say anything till he went. When he departed, he said to the people: If this man is asked to give up yellow colour, it would be better. Once a desert Arab passed water in presence of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) within the mosque. The companions were about to assault him when the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to him: These mosque are not for passing urine and for uncleanness.
Once a desert Arab came to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and begged something from him. He gave it to him and said: I have treated well with you. The desert Arab said: Never, you have not treated well with me. At this, the companions got angry but the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) prohibited them to do any harm to him. Then he went to his room and brought something for him to eat and said: I have done you benefit. Then he said: May Allah bless your family and relatives. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to him: What you said first seemed unpleasant to my companions. If you like, say to them what you have said to me just now. What is in their mind will then vanish. He said: I shall say it to them. At another time, when the desert Arab came, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: I added what the desert Arab told me. It seemed to me that he was pleased with it. I asked him: Are you satisfied: Yes, may Allah bless your family and relatives. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: The smile of the desert Arab in relation to me is like that of a man who had a camel which went out. It went faster fearing the people who followed it. The driver of the camel hinted: You all go away and leave the camel and myself alone. I know it better and shall show kindness to it. The driver of the camel gave it some food and called it towards him. When it came, he loaded it and rode upon it. When the desert Arab used harsh words, he would have entered Hell had I not prohibited you to take revenge upon him and assault him.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Generosity
The Holy Prophet was the greatest charitable man. His charity during Ramadan was greatest. Nothing could prevent him from it. Ali (Radhiallahho Anho) narrated the qualities of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and said: His hand of charity of spread to its utmost and his tongue was the most truthful. His conduct was the most modest and he was the most honourable in lineage. Fear struck one who saw him first. Whoever mixed with him loved him. One who praised man begged something to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) in the name of Islam and it was given to him. He begged him something further and it was also given to him, and that was one flock of sheep which were grazing between two hillocks. He went to his people and said: Accept Islam because Muhammad gives so much that he does not fear poverty for that. He did never deprive one who begged something from him.
Once 10,000 dirhams were brought to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) which he distributed among his companions. After that, a man came to him and begged him something. He said: I have got now nothing, but still I am giving you something after purchasing it. It was done accordingly. Omar (Radhiallahho Anho) said: O Messenger of Allah, Allah has not imposed burden on you over which you have got no control. His words did not appear pleasing to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). That man said: Spend and do not fear poverty from Allah. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) then smiled and pleasure was visible in his face. Once when he returned from the battlefield of Hunain, the desert Arabs came to him and begged from him so much that he was compelled to take shelter to a corner of a tree. They caught his sheet and he said: Give back my sheet to me. Had I had sheep to the number of these thorny plants, I would have distributed them all to you and you would not have found me a miser or a coward.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Bravery and Heroism
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was the greatest hero and brave man. Ali (Radhiallahho Anho) said: In the battle of Badr, we all stood surrounding the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). He braved the enemies and we found him bravest on that day. He said: When fight began and friends and foes met with one another, we feared for the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) as he was closest to the enemies. Nobody went so near the enemies than him. When he passed order for fighting, he got pleased and prepared himself. He was seen at that time most superior in strength. Imran (Radhiallahho Anho) said: The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) attacked the enemy who came to him first. The companions said that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had then a firm hold on the enemy. In the battle of Hunain, when the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was surrounded by the enemies, he alighted from his mule and said: I am surely the Messenger of Allah. There is no untruth in it. I am the descendant of Abdul Muttableb. He was on that day the bravest of all.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Modesty and Humility
Inspite of the lofty position of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), he was the most humble and modest. Ibn Amer (Radhiallahho Anho) reported: I saw the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) throwing stones at Jamrah riding on a camel. There was no assault in it, no driving out and no saying: Go aside, go aside. He sat on a sheet of cloth on the back of a mule and took someone behind him. He used to visit the sick, follow the biers, accept invitations of servants and slaves, repair shoes and sew garments. He used to help his family members in their household duties. His companions used not to stand up in his honour as they know his dislike for it. He used to salute the children when passing by them.
One day a man was brought to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and he was afraid to see him. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: Be quiet, I am not a king. I am a son of an humble Quraish woman who used to eat gourd. He used to sit with his companions like an ordinary man. Whenever any stranger came to see him, he could not at first recognize him till he was introduced to him. Ayesha (Radhiallahho Anha) said: May Allah sacrifice me to you, eat learning as it easier for you. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) leaned towards the ground so much that it seemed that his head would touch the ground. He used to say: I shall take meal like the eating of a slave and sit like the sitting of a slave. He used not to eat in plates while he lived.
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Figure and Constitution
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was neither long stature nor short. When he walked alone, he appeared like a middle stature man. If a man of long stature walked with him, his figure looked longer. When two men of long stature walked by his two sides, he appeared longest, but when they became separate from him, the people called them long men. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was of middle stature. He was pretty, neither too white, nor too brown. He was of pure reddish hue. Some one praised him saying. His limbs which confronted the sun, such as face and neck, appeared more whitish than reddish colour. The sweats of his face were like pearls and more perfumed than musk. His hair was very pretty, neither straight nor curly. When he combed them, they appeared like lines in sands. It is said that his hair was kept flowing up to his shoulders, sometimes he parted his hair into four parts and each two parts were let off through his two ears. Sometimes he kept his hair above his ears and his neck then appeared shining like pearls. Grey hairs were found in his head and beard. Their number was not more than seventeen. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had a most pretty constitution. Some gave the smile of his beauty to that of the full moon. His forehead was wide and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver and eye-balls were black tinged with reddish hue. The hair of his eye lashes were profuse. His nose was thin and his teeth were neither separated, nor united. When they were exposed at the time of his smile or laugh, they shone like lighting. His lip was most beautiful and the ends of his face was the most soft. His face was smooth and nose not long. His beard was thick and he did not trim it. He used to clip his moustache. His neck was the most beautiful, neither long, nor short. If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. His chest was board. It was even like a mirror and white like the moon light. There was a thin line of hair extending from his chest up to the navel and there was no other hair over his belly. There were three lines in his belly. His apparel covered one line. His shoulders were wide and there was hair over them. The place between his shoulders was wide and therein there was impression or seal of prophethood inclined a little towards the right shoulder. There was a spot mixed with black and yellow colours. There was hair around it which appeared like the hair of a horse. He had hands full of flesh and his fingers were like silver sticks and his palms were softer than wool and were so full of scent that it seemed that otto was applied to them. Sweet scent was attached to the hand of a person who handshake with the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). If his pure hand touched the head of a boy, he could be recognized among boys owing to the sweet scent of his hand. His thighs were full of flesh and his constitution was proportionate and beautiful. In his latter days, he became rather fleshy but he was without grease like his first stage of life.
The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) walked firmly and steadily. He said: concerning constitution I am similar to Adam but in character and conduct I am similar to Abraham. He said: I have got ten names near my Lord, (1) Muhammad (praised), (2) Ahmad (most praised), (3) Maui (remover of infidelity), (4) Aqeb (coming last), (5) Hasher (all appearing after me), (6) messenger of mercy, (7) messenger of repentance, (8) messenger of fights, (9) Muqfi (last of all prophets) and (1) Qasem (embodiment of all virtues).
Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s Miracles
The character and conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), his actions, his habits, management of affairs, his treatment with the different classes of people, him showing the straight path to them, his wonderful answers to different difficult and subtle questions, his untiring efforts for the good of people, his good guidance regarding the open laws of Shariat all these matters lead one to the conclusion that these were beyond the power of a man without help of an unseen hand. It is impossible on the part of a hypocrite or a liar. The people testified by seeing his constitution and qualifications that he was a great truthful man sent by Allah.
Allah gave him these qualities though he was illiterate and had no education and lived always with the illiterate Arabs. Being illiterate, orphan and weak, how could he acquire such good character and conduct, such knowledge about Allah without worldly knowledge? His true and correct knowledge about the earlier Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) show that he is a true messenger of Allah, because he knew these truths by revelations. How could he know what was beyond man unless he received revelation? His miracles prove that he is a true Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) of Allah.
Some of his Miracles with Help of Allah
(1) When the Quraish of Mecca told the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to divide the moon into two parts, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) invoked Allah who split the moon into two portions and it was clearly visible to the people present.
(2) At the time of the siege of Medinah by the allied armies for more than one month, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) supplied provision to all the people.
(3) At another time, he satisfied eighty people with food with only four muds of maize and one little goat.
(4) Once the daughter of Basher had a few dried grapes with which the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) fed all his soldiers to their satisfaction and there remained also something in excess.
(5) Once water began to gush forth from the fingers of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), so much so that his soldiers drank to their hearts content and also made ablution therewith.
(6) Once there was no water in a well at Tabuk and it dried up. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) threw a little water from his ablution to the well and immediately it gushed forth so profuse water that thousands of soldiers drank it to their satisfaction.
(7) At another time, there was no water in a well at Hudaibiyah. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) threw the remaining ablution water into it which immediately gushed forth abundant water. Fifteen hundred men drank it to their satisfaction.
(8) Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) threw a handful of dust towards the faces of his enemies as a result of which they instantly became blind. Soon after this verse was revealed: When you throw, you did not throw, but Allah threw it.
(9) The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) used to deliver sermon standing on the trunk of a palm tree in the mosque, when it was replaced by another, the trunk began to emit mild sound which was heard by all his companions. When he touched it with his hand, it became calm.
(10) Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) told the Jews to make Mobahala (that is whoever is a liar, he will die), but the Jews gave the news next morning that they feared to make it for fear of their lives. This is mentioned in the Quran.
(11) The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) warned Osman (Radhiallahho Anho) of a great danger as a result of which he would enter paradise. History bears testimony that he was murdered in his very house while he was reading the Quran. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) told Ammer that a rebellious party would kill Osman. It is true that they murdered him.
(12) Once a man joined Jihad in the way of Allah. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said about him that he would enter Hell. Then it was seen that he committed suicide.
(13) When the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was on his way towards Medina on migration, one Suraqa-b-Malek was following him to capture him in expectation of a reward, but the feet of his horse was sunk in dust in the act. When he sought the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)’s help to escape from the danger, he prayed for him. This continued for three times and the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) prayed for him each time. After being released for the third time, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) gave him this prophecy in his almost helpless condition, that he would soon wear the bangles of Persian King Khosroe. After the conquest of Persia by the Muslims, these bangles were procured from the kind and were given to him for wearing.
(14) Aswad Ansari was a liar and claimed prophethood during the life time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). He was a resident of Sana’a in Yemen. One night he was found assassinated in that town. In that very night, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) gave his death news to the people and he named Feroze Daifami as his murderer.
(15) During the night of migration to Medina, one hundred Quraish surrounded the house of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) to kill him, but he went out of their clutches throwing dust on their heads for which they could not see him going out.
(16) Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) gave the prophecy to some of his companions: The last man among you will die of arson. It after wards occurred that it came true.
(17) Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) called two trees to cover him to give him the opportunity of urinating. The two trees shifted from their sites, covered him from public view and went away to their old sits after he finished his call of nature.
(18) The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was of middle stature, but when he walked, two long men by his sides, he was seen the longest of them.
(19) The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said: I will kill Abu-b-Hani in the battle of Uhud. In the battle, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) inflicted a minor injury on him and as a result he expired.
(20) Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was given food mixed with poison to eat. He who ate it first expired, but the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) lived for four years even after taking that food. That food told the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam): There is poison in me.
(21) In the battle of Badr, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) mentioned the fate of the leaders of the Quraish. This happened exactly as he said.
(22) The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to his daughter Fatema: You will meet me first after my death. She died six months after the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).
(23) Once the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said to his wives: She who is longer in hand will meet me first after my death. Jainab (Radhiallahho Anha) was the most charitable among his wives and she died first after the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).
(24) A certain camel had not milk in its udder. As soon as the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) touched its udder, it began to give milk. Abdullah-b-Mausd embraced Islam on seeing this miracle of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).
(25) Once one eye of a companion went out of its socket. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) restored it to its site and his eye sight increased more.
(26) The greatest living miracle of the Holy Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is the Quran which stands even today. He threw challenge to the people to produce a chapter like it. The Quran says: Say, if jinn and mankind gather together to bring a book like this Quran, they won't be able to bring like it even though they help one another. So nobody was successful to bring a book or even a sentence like it, up to this time. This alone is a sufficient and living testimony that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) Muhammad (peace be upon Him) is a true messenger of Allah.
Hazrat Sheikh-ul Hadeeth Maulana Muhammad Zakaria (R.A.) writes in Khasa'Ile Nabawi -- in explanation of SHAMA'ILE TIRMIDHI:-
Imaam Tirmidhi has quoted in this chapter those ahaadith that have been narrated on the noble features of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). It is impossible to accurately describe actual beauty and elegance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam).
To draw a pen-picture of his appearance is beyond one's capability, but the Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum) have endeavoured, according to their capabilities, to preserve what little they could, of which some is written here. Qurtubi says: "The full beauty and elegance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) has not been made manifest, otherwise it would not have been possible for man to look at him". The Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum), have done the ummah an immense favour by conveying to them the perfect intrinsic knowledge, as well as the perfect conspicuous elegance and beauty of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). When an unfulfilled lover is deprived of meeting the beloved then he stands in front of the beloved's house remembering the features of his beloved, in an attempt to gain some solace. It is from habits and features that the heart is appeased.
Imaam Tirmidhi has collected from these about 400 ahaadith and divided them into fifty five chapters. In the first chapter fourteen ahaadith are quoted.
(1) HADEETH NO. 1.
Anas (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: "Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither tall nor was he short (like a dwarf--He was of medium stature). In complexion, he was he was neither very white like lime, nor very dark, nor brown which results in darkness (he was illuminant, more luminous than even the full-moon on the 14th night).
The hair of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither very straight nor very curly (but slightly wavy). When he attained the age of forty, Allah the Almighty granted him nubuwwah (prophethood).He lived for ten years in Makkah (commentary) and in Madina for ten years. At that time there were not more than twenty white hair on his mubarak (blessed) head and beard." (This will be described in detail in the chapter on white hair of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam).
Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, but slightly taller. This has been reported in a narration from Sayyidina Hind bin Abi Haalah (Radiallahu Anhu) and others. An objection may arise concerning these two hadeeth, that it is stated in one hadeeth that when Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) used to stand up in a group, he appeared to be the tallest among them. This was not due to his hight, but was a result of a Mu'jizah (Miracle). In the manner that no one had reached a higher status than Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in `Kamalaate Ma'nawiyyah', (super intellectual status) likewise in the `Surah Zaahiri' (outward appearance) no one could excel him.
It is stated in the hadeeth under discussion that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) lived for ten years in Makkah Mukarramah after nubuwwah (prophethood). For this reason it is stated that he attained the age of sixty years. This is contrary to what has been reported in the other ahaadith, where it is stated that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) lived there for thirteen years and attained the age of sixty three years. In some ahaadith it is stated that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) attained the age of sixty five years. At the end of this kitaab all three ahaadith will be quoted. Imaam Bukhari (R.A.) says:
"Most narrations show that Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) lived for sixty three years." The ulama (scholars) have summed up these ahaadith in two ways. First, that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) received nubuwwah (prophethood) at the age of forty and risaalah three years thereafter, and after that he lived for ten years in Makkah Mukaraamah. According to this, the three years between nubuwwah and risaalah have been in the hadeeth under discussion.
(2) HADEETH NO. 2.
Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, "Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was slightly wavy). He had a wheat-coloured complexion. When he walked, he leaned forward slightly".
In this hadeeth Sayyidina Anas (Radiallhu Anhu) states that the complexion of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was wheat coloured. In the previous hadith, also narrated by Sayyidina Anas (Radiallahu Anhu), he states that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not have a wheat-coloured complexion. This has been mentioned in the translation of the hadeeth. Actually, what is derived from the two hadeeth is that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was not of such a dark complexion that decrease the lightness and beauty of a person, but had a radiant and light colour, which slightly wheat-coloured.
In this hadeeth the word `Yata-kaf-fa-oo' is used regarding the walking of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). The scholars interpret this word in several ways. Some say it means to walk at a fast pace. Some are of the opinion that it means to lean a bit forward while walking. Some say it means to lift the leg with force. All three explanations are correct because the walk of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) fulfilled all three descriptions and the word also conveys these three meanings. Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked quickly and not like the Romeos of this age who walk like women. It was also the noble habit of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) to walk with slight forward inclination of the head and shoulders. He did not walk with chest pushed out with pride. He lifted his legs as men do while walking and did not drag his legs on the ground.
(3) HADEETH NO. 3.
Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu anhu) relates that: "Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was a man of a medium build, (slightly tall, as explained before); he had broad shoulders (from which we may gather that he had a wide chest); he had dense hair which reached his ear-lobes; he wore a red striped lungi (a cloth worn around the legs) and shawl. I never saw anybody or anything more handsome than him".
In this hadeeth the word `Rajulun Marbu'un' is used, which if the letter `Jeem' has a dammah (pesh), means a man. This could be correct. This type of word is used in the Arabic language for connecting words, but because no special quality or attribute is derived, some Muhadditheen (scholars of hadeeth) are of the opinion that if the letter `Jeem' has a fatah (zabar) on it, it means something that is between straight and bent. It may also be possible that in this case it refers to the description of the hair of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and as described before, his mubarak (blessed) hair had a slight curl in it. From this hadeeth, some scholars are of the opinion that it is permissible for men to wear red coloured clothing. According to the Hanafis there is a detailed explanation on this subject. Before selecting red clothing, the scholars should be consulted regarding its permissibility.
The scholars have written that in this hadeeth the Sahabi did not see `anything' more handsome and beautiful than Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). This is said because besides human beings, the moon, sun, etc. are also included.
(4) HADEETH NO. 4.
Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: "I never seen someone with long hair and red clothing more handsome than Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). His hair reached his shoulders. The portion between his two shoulders was wide. He was neither very tall nor very short".
The description of the hair of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in this hadeeth is different one mentioned before. There it is stated that his hair reached his ear-lobes. In reality there is no difference between the two hadeeth, as the hair does not remain the same length but grows. Sometimes the hair was shortened, sometimes longer hair was kept.
(5) HADEETH NO. 5.
It is reported from Ali (Radiallahu Anhu): "Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam was neither very tall nor very short. The soles of both feet were very fleshed. (This quality is praiseworthy in a man as it denotes strength and courage but is not praiseworthy for a woman). He had a large head. The joints of the bones was also large. The was a thin line of hair from the chest to the navel. When Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked, it appeared that he was descending from a high place". Ali (Radiallahu Anhu) says: "I did not see anyone like him neither before him, nor after him".
The use of a sentence like: "I have not seen anyone like him", is primarily for emphasis. By describing Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in this manner, there is however no exaggeration because the complete beauty of appearance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) cannot be fully described. Munaawi wrote that every person is required to believe that with whatever physical qualities and attributes of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) is described, no other person can compare with it. This is not merely a belief. Books on Seerah (History of the Prophet peace be upon him) and ahaadeeth are replete with descriptions of his beautiful qualities. Therein it is stated that Allah Ta'aala bestowed fully on the Prophet (peace be upon him) all the inner kamaalat (perfection) and Zaahiri (apparent) beauty. Two verses (couplets) are narrated from Sayyiditina Aa'ishah (Radiallahu Anha), the meaning of which is: "that if the friends of Zulaikha could see the blessed face of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), they would have cut their hearts instead of their hands". How true! If you wish to read more about the love of the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhum---male and female---for Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) read Chapter Eight of my book `Stories of the Sahabah' (Radiallahu Anhum).
(6) HADITH NO: 6.
It is related from Ebrahim bin Muhammad (Radiallahu anhu) who is from the sons (grand sons of Ali radiallahu anhu, that whenever Ali radiallahu anhu described the nobel features of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), he used to say: "Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither very tall nor short, but of a medium stature among people. His hair was neither very curly nor very straight, but had a slight wave in it. He did not have a big body nor a round face, but his mubaarak face was slightly round (meaning he did not have a fully round face nor a fully elongated face, bur in between the two). The complexion of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was white with redness in it. The mubaarak eyes of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) were extremely black. His eyelashes were long. The joints of the body (e.g. elbows and knees etc.) were large, likewise the portion between the two shoulders was broad and fully fleshed. There was no hair (more than normal) on his body. (Some people have profuse hair on their body. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not have hair on the parts of his body, besides places like the arms and legs etc.) He had a thin line of hair running from the chest to the navel. The hands and feet of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) were fully fleshed. When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, as if he were descending to a low-lying place. When he addressed a person he turned his whole body towards that person. (He did not only turn his face towards the person he addressed, as this is considered impolite, and sometimes, it even denotes pride. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) faced the person he spoke to, with his chest and body. Some scholars have translated this as, when Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) addressed someone, he completely turned his face towards that person, and did not give a side glance. This is not a suitable translation). The seal of Prophethood was situated between his shoulders. He was a last of all prophets. He was the most generous and the most truthful. He was the most kind-hearted and came from a most noble family. (It means his character, family back-ground and everything else was of the best). Any person who saw him suddenly would become awe-inspired. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had such a great personality and dignity, that the person who saw him for the first time, because of his awe-inspiring personality, would be overcome with a feeling of profound respect. Firstly, there is a ro`b (awe) for physical beauty, with this when other Kamaalat are added what more could then be said of the ro'b (awe). Besides, the special attributes and qualities granted to Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) ro'b (awe) is also one of the special qualities granted to him). Anyone who came in close contact with him, and knew his excellent character was smitten with the love of his excellent attributes. Anyone who described his noble features can only say: "I have not seen anyone like Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) neither before nor after him."
(7) HADITH NO. 7
Hasan bin Ali (Radiallahu anhu) reported: "I inquired from my maternal uncle (Sayyiditina Fatimah Radiallahu anha's step brother) Hind bin Abi Haalah (Radiallahu anhu) about the noble features of the Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). He had often described the noble features of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in detail. I felt that I should hear from him personally, some of the noble features of Raulullah (Sallallahu alalihe wasallam), so that I could make his discription a proof and testimony for myself and also memorise them, and, if possible, try to emulate and adopt them. (The age of Sayyidna Hasan (Radiallahu anhu) at the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam)'s death was seven years. In view of his age he did not have the opportunity to realise fully the features of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). The uncle descirbed the noble features by saying: "He had great qualities and attributes in him, others also held him in high estemm. His mubarak face shone like the full moon. He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person. His mubarak head was moderately large. His mubarak hair was slightly twisted. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle. (This is a more respected transaltion).
A question may arise that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) habitually parted his hair as stated in Ahadith. The Ulama say that this was in the early periods where Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not make an effort to do so. According to this humble servant, the answer to this is bit difficult, because it was the principal of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) to oppose the ways of the non- beleivers, and agree to the ways of Ahlul Kitab, he did not part his hair in the middle. For this reason, according to some Ulama, the bets translation will be that he only parted his hair in the middle if it could be easily done, and when this could not be done easily, and a comb etc. was needed to do it, then he did not part his hair in the middle. Occasionally he used to part his hair in the middle with a comb etc. When the hair of Rasulullah (Sallallalhu alaihe wasallallam) was abundant, it used to pass over his ear- lobes). Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a very luminous complexion (colour), and a wide forehead. He had dense and fine hair on his eye brows. Both eye brows were seperate and did not meet each other in the middle. There was a vein between them that used to expand when he became angry. His nose was prominemt and had a nur and lustre on it. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the lustre and beauty made it look large, otherwise in itself the nose was not large."
His beard was full and dense. The pupil of his eye was black. His cheeks were full and full of flesh. The mouth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was moderately wide. (He did not have a small mouth). His teeth were thin and bright. The front teeth had a slight space between them. There was a thin line of hair from the chest to the navel. His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the colour of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver. All the parts of his body were of moderate size, and fully fleshed. His body was proportionately jointed. His chest and stomach were in line, but his chest was broad and wide. The space between his shoulders was wide. The bones of his joints were strong and large (denoting strength). When he removed his clothing, his body looked bright and had a lustre (or rather those parts of the body that were not covered by his clothing were also bright and shining, compared with those parts of the body that were covered by his clothing. According to this humble servant the latter translation is more appropriate). Between the chest and navel there was a thin line of hair. Besides this line neither the chest nor the stomach had other hair on it. Both sides, the shoulders and the upper portion of the chest had hair. His forearm was long and palms were wide. The palms and both feet were fully fleshed. The fingers and toes were moderately long. The soles of his feet were a bit deep. His feet were smooth, because of their cleanliness and smoothness the water did not remain there but flowed away quickly. When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, leaned slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. He walked at a quick pace and took rather a long step. He did not take small steps. When he walked it seemed as if he was descending to a lower place. When he looked at something he turned his whole body towards it. He always looked down. His sight was focused more to the ground than towards the sky (A question may arise here that it is reported in Abu Daawud that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) usually looked towards the sky. Both are reconciled thus: His habit was to look down towards the ground, but he also waited for the wahi (revelation), therefore while waiting he often looked towards the sky. Otherwise he usually looked down towards the ground.
"Here the gaze of the killer hasn't lifted modestly.
There the hand of the lover rest on the heart of the deceased"
His modest habit was to look at something with a light eye,i.e. he looked at a thing, with modesty and bashfulness, hence he did not stare at anything. While walking he asked the Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum) to walk in front, and he himself walked behind. He made salaam to whomsoever he met"
The Ulama say that Sayyidina (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked at the back because of his humbleness. According to this humble servant, if this is applied to his journeys it will be more appropriate. It was the noble habit of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) are described. Imam Tirmidi has mentioned this Hadith in many chapters where the speech and humility of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) are described.
Jaabir bin Samurah (Radiallahu anhu) says: "Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a wide mouth. There were red lines in the whiteness of his eyes. He had little flesh on his heels."
It is desirable for Arab men to have wide mouths. According to some a wide mouth means eloquence (fluency of language). The translation adopted in the description of the eyes has been taken from accepted sayings. However in this Hadith, Imam Tirmidi has translated this to mean wide eyes, as a narrator of this hadith has done, which according to the linguists is not correct.
"These intoxicated eyes on which thousands of my kindred be sacrificed.
That endless destroyer remains intoxicated day and night."
It is related from Jaabir (Radiallahu anhu) that he said: " I once saw Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) on the night of a full moon. On that night he wore red clothing. At times I looked at the full moon and at times at Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) . Ultimately I came to the conclusion that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was more handsome, beautiful and more radiant than the full moon."
"If the illumination in the temple and sanctuary is through the sun and moon, so what.
I desire you, what should I do with my sight."
Abu-Ishaaq (Radiallahu anhu) says: "A person once asked Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu anhu), "Was the face of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) shining like a sword?" He replied: "No but like a full-moon with its roundness."
In making a comparison with a sword, it may have meant that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a long face. However the glitter of a sword has more whiteness than being luminous. For this reason Sayyidina Baraa (Radiallahu anhu) gave the similarity of the full moon, and not that of a sword. All these similarities are approximate descriptions, otherwise even a thousand moons cannot give the brightness of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam).
An Arab poet says: "If you want to describe a shortcoming of a beloved, then give the beloved a similitude of a full moon. This is enough to insult him."
Abu Hurayrah (Radiallahu anhu) says: "Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was so clean, clear, beautiful and handsome, as though his body was covered and moulded in silver. His hair was slightly curled."
In the first narration mentioned by Sayyidina Anas (Radiallahu anhu), it is denied that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was very white. From the above hadith, it does not mean that he had white complexion like silver; rather he had a white and reddish complexion, in which the beauty and brightness was overwhelming.
Jaabir bin Abdullah (Radiallahu anhu) narrates from Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) that he said: "The Ambiyaa (Prophets) were shown to me. I saw Musa (Alaihis salaam), he had a thin body, like one from among the tribe of Shanu'ah. I saw Esa (Alaihis salaam). From among all those whom I have seen, he somewhat resembled Urwah bin Masud. I saw Ebrahim (Alaihis salaam). From among all those that I have seen,I, more or less, look like him. In the same manner I saw Jibra-eel (Alaihis salaam). From among all those I had seen, he more or less looked like Dihyah Kalbi."
This was on the night of mi'raaj or in a dream. Imaam Bukhaari (Rahmatullahi alaihe) has narrated both, on the night of mi'raaj and also in a dream. There is no confusion or difficulty in these differences, because he may have seen them on both occasions. The translation of the description of Sayyidina Musa (Alaihis salaam) as having a light body, in my opinion, is made from more accurate sayings. Some Ulama in the translation of this sentence, have expressed other opinions. These three Ambiyaa (Prophets) were described because Sayyidina Musa (Alaihis salaam) and Sayyidina Esa (Alaihis salaam) are the nabis of the Bani Israel and Sayyidina Ebrahim (Alaihis salaam), besides being the great grandfather of Sayyidina Rsulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), was also accepted by all Arabs.
Sa'eed Jariri (Radiallahu anhu) says: "I heard Abu Tufayl (Radiallahu anhu) say: "There is no one left on the face of this Earth, besides me who had seen Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam)." I asked him to describe to me the noble features of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). He said: "Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a white complexion, which was slightly reddish, and had a medium sized body."
Sayyidina Abu Tufayl (Radiallahu anhu) was the last one among the Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum) to pass away. He died in the year 110 Hijri. That is why he said, that there was no one left besides him who had seen Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). The ulama say that he used the phrase `face of the earth' because Sayyidina Esa (Alaihis salaam) is also from the ones who had seen Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and is present in the skies (heavens).
Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu anhu) says: "The front teeth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) were a bit wide (spread out). They were spaced out and not close together. When Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) talked, an illumination emitting from his teeth could be seen."
According to the Ulama, it is a well known fact that it was something similar to nur which emitted from his teeth.
The opinions of Allaamah Munaawi is that it was something sensory, and not a similarity, which emitted miraculously from between the teeth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam).
With modesty lower the head and with grace, smile.
How easy it is for the beautiful to strike like lightning.
Everything of his noble features was perfect and beautiful. In the manner that is real and intrinsic beauty had reached its last stage, in the same manner his zaahiri (apparent) beauty had also reached its fullest and proper stage.
Allahumma sali 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammadiw wa 'alaa aalihi biqadri husnihi wa jamaalihi.
Ummul Mu-mineen, Ummi Salamah Radiyallahu 'anha relates: "Of all the clothing, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam preferred wearing the qamis (Thowb, kurtaa) the most".
The 'ulama have written different reasons for Sayidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam preferring to wear a qamis (Thowb, kurtah). Some say it is because it covers the body well and covers it better than a lungi etc. Some say because it is 'qumait' and besides it is less of a burden on the body, whereas a sheet has to be straightened every now and then. Some are of the opinion that it does not create pride in a person, as other clothing does. According to this humble servant the reason is because it covers the satr well, and the same time it is neat, whereas in some clothing there is less beauty, like the lungi, or it does not cover the satr well, like the top sheet. The eighth hadith in this chapter seems contrary to this hadith. lt shall be compared and reconciled there.
(55) Hadith Number 3
It has been reported from Ummi Salamah Radhiyallahu 'Anha: "Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam preferred wearing, from among all clothing, the qamis (thowb)".
Mulla 'Ali Qaari relates from Dimyaati that the qamis of Sayidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam was made of cotton and was not very long, nor were the sleeves long. Bayjuri has written that Sayidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam had only one qamis. It is reported from Sayyiditina 'Aayeshah Radhiyallahu 'Anha that: "Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam did not leave any of the morning food for the evening, nor any of the evening food for the morning. He possessed only one each, of a lungi, qamis, sheet ( body wrap), shoes or any other clothing. He did not have a pair of any of these".
Munaawi relates from Sayyidina Ibn 'Abbaas Radiyallahu 'anhu that, 'The qamis (thowb, kurtah) of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam was not very long, nor were its sleeves long. In another hadith of Sayyidina Ibn 'Abbaas Radiyalia anhu it is stated that the qamis of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam was above the ankles. 'Allaamah Shaami says: 'It should reach halfway down the calf'.
(56) Hadith Number 4
Asmaa bint Yazeed Radhiyallahu 'Anha says: "The sleeve of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam's qamis reached to the wrists".
This narration apparently contradicts the one where it has been stated that the sleeves of the qamis of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam were a bit longer than the wrist. The'ulama have summed up the difference in several ways. Firstly, that at different times it had different lengths. Secondly, that when the sleeves were creased they were above the wrists, and when they were smooth and straight they were over the wrists. Some are of the opinion that both are taken on estimation. In this case there is no difficulty. Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saahib has written in the 'Badhlul Majhud' that where it is mentioned till the wrists, it is taken to be the best and desirable. Where the sleeves are stated to be longer, it is considered permissible. 'Allaamah Jazari states that it is sunnah that the length of the qamis (kurtah) sleeves reach till the wrists, and that of a jubbah be a bit longer, but in no case should it be longer than the fingers.
(57) Hadith Number 5
Qurrah bin Ilyaas Radiyallahu'Anhu relates: "I came with a group from the tribe of Muzeenah to make bay'ah (pay allegiance) to Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam. The button loop of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam's qamis was open. I put my hand in the collar of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam's qamis to touch the Seal of Prophethood (to gain barakah)".
When he visited Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam he found the collar of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam's qamis open. It is characteristic of one who loves, that every act of his beloved sinks into his heart. Sayyidina 'Urwah Radiyallahu'Anhu, who is a narrator of this says: "I have never seen Mu'aawiyah (bin Qurrah - Radiyallahu'Anhu) and his son button up their collars. Be it summer or winter, their collars were always open". Their love for Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam has given us a glimpse of each and every act and deed of the beloved Rasul of Allah, Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam. 'Jazahumullahu 'anna wa-'an saa-iril ummati ahsanal jazaa'.
(58) Hadith Number 6
Anas bin Maalik Radhiyallahu 'Anhu reports: "Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam came out of his house with the assistance of Usaamah bin Zayd. At that time he was wrapped in a Yamaani printed sheet. Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam came and led the Sahaabah in prayer".
'Daar Qutni' has stated that this incident took place when Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam was ill. For this reason he was assisted by Sayyidina Usaamah bin Zayd Radhiyallahu 'Anhu. It is possible that it was the time of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam's illness before his death. This hadith will also be mentioned in the chapter on 'Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam leaning on something'. Imaam Tirmidhi has written a surprising incident on the sanad (chain of narrators) of this hadith, from which we can gauge the intense love of the muhadditheen for the hadith, and their detachment from this unstable and materialistic world. Muhammad bin AI-Fadl says: "Yahya bin Mu'een (who is a great imaam and scholar of hadith -some 'ulama have said that he has written ten lakh -100,000- ahaadith with his own hands) asked me as soon as I sat down (when visiting him), about this hadith. I started reciting it to him. He said: 'I desire you to read it out from your kitaab so that it may be more satisfying"' Muhammad bin AI-Fadl says: 'I stood up to go inside and fetch the kitaab. He caught me by my qamis and said: "First dictate it to me from memory, so that I may write it down. There is no surety of life and death. It is possible I may meet you or Imay not meet you again. You may repeat it from the kitaab later'. Muhammad bin AI-Fadl says: 'I recited it to him from memory, then brought the kitaab and read it out again from the kitaab'. Allahu Akbar! He did not have that little assurance that either of them would live till he went inside to get a kitaab and return. His love for the hadith was such that he did not even like to wait till the kitaab was brought from inside the room.
(59) Hadith Number 7
Abu Sa'eed Khudari (R.A) says, "When Rasulullah (S.A.W) put on a new garment, he would in happiness mention that garment's name. For example, 'Allah Ta'aala gave me this qamis (thowb, kurtah), 'amaamah (turban) sheet, etc" Then recited this du'aa:
'Allahumma lakal hamdu kama kasauw- tanihi, as-aluka khayrahu wa-khayra ma-suni'a lahu wa-a'u- dhu bika min sharrihi wa-sharri ma-suni'a lahu'.
"Oh Allah, all praise and thanks to You for clothing me with this (garment). I ask You for the good of it and the good of what it was made for, and I ask Your protection from the evil of it and theevil of what it was made for."
The goodness and badness of a garment is evident and 'for the good and bad for which it was made' means forsummer and winter, elegance etc. For whatever reason it is worn, the goolness in it is that it may be used to obtain Allah's pleasure, like performing 'ibaadah (devotion) with it. To use it for a bad cause would be in disobeying Allah or to create pride, arrogance etc.
(60) Hadith Number 8
Anas bin Maalik (R.A) says: "The sheet (body wrap) most liked by Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was the Yamaani printed sheet."
This siims to contradict the hadith mentioned at the begining of the chapter where it is stated that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihe wasallam) preferred wearing the qamis (kurtah) the most. The 'Ulama have given many explanations for this. The simplest explanation if that there is no difference. He liked the qamis very much and the sheet too. It could also be said that among ordinary clothing that are worn, he liked the qamis the most, and from the ones that are used for outer covering, he liked the sheet the most. It has also been stated that for purposes of evidence this is a much stronger hadith.Some 'Ulama have taken the first hadith for the different types of clothing, among which Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) liked the qamis most, and this hadith for the coloured clothing, from which he liked the coloured printed sheet the most. Some say the sheet was of a green colour. The object is that, among the colours, green was liked the most, as it is the colour of the clothing in Jannah (paradise).
Abu Juhayfah (R.A) says, "I saw Rasulullah (S.A.W) wearing a pair of red (coloured) clothing. The lusture of the feet of Rasulullah (S.A.W) is still befor me." Sufyaan (R.A) who is a norrator of this hadith says: "According to my understanding the pair (of clothing) was printed red."
This incident took place at the time of Hajjatul-Widaa, as is stated if the Bukhaari and other kitaabs of hadith. Sayyidina Sufyaan (R.A) ' Anhu's reason for saying that this was a red coloured clothing (for men). There is a difference of opinion among the 'Ulama'. The Hanafis also state a number of opinions. This has been discussed in the first chapter. Before choosing red-coloured clothing an 'aalim should be consulted. Maulana Gangohi has mentioned a few times in his fataawa (religious rulings) that it is permissible for a man to wear red patterned garment's. From the point of taqwaa (piety) it is better for a man not to wear red coloured garments, since there is a differince of opinion among the learned 'Ulama'.
Baraa bin 'Aazib (R.A) says: "I have vever seen anybody more handsome in red clothing than Rasulullah (S.A.W). At that time, the hair of Rasulullah (S.A.W) reached his shoulders.
This hadith has been mentioned in the first chapter. It is repeated here because of the red-coloured clothing.
Abu Rimthah Taymi (R.A) says,"I saw Rasulullah (S.A.W) covering himself in two green coloured sheets."
This hadith has been quoted twice. It is repeated here briefly.
Qaylah bin Makhramah (R.A) says: "I saw Rasulullah (S.A.W) in such a state that he was wearing two old lungis (sarong, waist wrap) that had been dyed a saffron colour but there was no sign of saffron left on it." There is a lengthy story in this hadith also.
It is prohibited in the hadith to use clothing dyed with saffron. For this reason it has been pointed out in the above hadith that the colour of dthe saffron had faded, so that there remains no contradictions in the ahaadith. Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) wore the two old sheets as a sign of humility. The sufis have for this reason chosen a rugged way of life. This leads one towards humility and keeps one away from pride and arregance. It should also be borne in mind that if (the wearing of such clothing) does not have this effect then this manner is not preferred. It will cause more harm than good as we see it happening in these times. Many a time this way is asopted to show that one has reached the stage of perfection whilst the tongue is asking (begging).
An incident of Abul-Hasan Shaa-dhali who is from amdong the great sufis is famous. Once he was wearing smart clothing. Some raggedly dressed person objected. He replied, "My dressing in this manner shows praise and gratefulness to Allah, whereas this state of yours shows a state of asking (begging). You in your present state are begging from people." In short, it is better not to wear showy clothing but only with the intention of humbleness, and on condition that it does not lead one towards some other harm. On the other hand, if it is worn for some religious benefits or to please a confidant who has given it as a present, then in this case to wear elegant clothing will also be mandub (desirable) and better. Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) once purchased a set of clothing in exchange for twenty seven camels and wore that clothing for this reason. The mashaa-ikh of the Naqshabandiyyah and Shaa-dhaliyyah Orders usually wear elegant type of clothing. It has been given preference becarse it saves one from the appearance of a beggar. Imaam Abul-Hasan Shaa-dhali has said: "It is important that one should keep away from the deceit of the heart from both angles. The gaining of fame by dressing shabbily, to show off by being himble, and to show pride by wearing smart elegant clothing, all are dangerous to our spiritual upliftment.
There is lengthy story in this hadith that is not relevant to the dressing of Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W). Therefor Imaam Tirmidhi omitted it here with the objectof shortening the hadith. The story probably covers two sheets. The commentators have also omitted it for the same reason. In it are mentioned incidents fo the early period and experiences of Sayyiditina Qaylah (R.A) after her acceptance of Islaam. In a few narrations it is also mentioned that Sayyidina Ralsulullah (S.A.W) was sitting with his old clothing in a humble manner. He had a branch (fan) of a palm in his mubaarak hands. A person entered his noble assembly. He saw Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) in this state of humbleness and dur to the awe-inspiring appearance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W), began shivering. Upon seeing this person in this state, or being made aware of it, Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) said to him: "Keep calm." As soon as Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) said this he became calm, and all the signs of fear vanished. In some ahaadith we gather that this incident relates to Sayyiditina Qaylah (R.A.) herself. Imaam Tirmikhi has therefore mentioned this briefly in the chapter on the sitting of Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W). The incident is attributed to Sayyiditina Qaylah (R.A) and will be mentioned in the chapter on the sitting of Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W).
Ibn 'Abbaas (R.A) says that Rasulullah (S.A.W) used to say: " Choose white clothing, as it is the best clothing. White clothing should be worn whilst living, and the dead should be buried in white."
In this hadith it is not stated that Sayyidina (S.A.W) wore white clothing. Its mention in the 'Shamaa-il Tirmikhi' is therefore implict. Idt can be explaiced that when Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) encouraged the wearing of white clothing, then he must have worn it himself. If is clearly stated in the Bukhaari that Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) wore white clothing.
Samurah bun Jundub (R.A) says: " Rasulullah (S.A.W) said, "Wear white clothing because it is more taahir (paak) and clean, and also clothe your dead in it."
By 'It is more taahir (paak) and clean is meant that if a small stain appears, it will show clearly, whereas in coloured clothing it does not show easily.
Ummul Mu-mineen, 'Aayeshah (R.A) reports: "Rasulullah (S.A.W) once left the house in the morning, wearing a sheet made of black hair."
Mughirah bin Shu'bah (R.A) says: "Rasulullah (S.A.W) wore a rumi Jubbah which had narrow sleeves."
This incident was at the time of Ghazwah Tabuk. The 'Ulama have interpreted from this hadith that a thing made by non-believers is not najis (na-paak) till we can outwardly find of this. Upto that time there were no Muslims in Rome, and Sayyidina Rasulullah (S.A.W) wore the clothing made by them.
1. The Qur'an on Muhammad's (S) Persona
Indeed there is for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern (Qur'an 33:21)
The Qur'an gives us a glimpse of Muhammad's (S) personality in various verses.
With Allah's grace, you behaved with them with a kind heart. For if you were vengeful or hard hearted, they may have abandoned you. (Qur'an 3:159)
On another occasion the Qur'an addresses its listeners in the following fashion,
Among you is a Messenger who is distressed by your difficulties. He is anxious for your welfare, and is generous towards the believers. (Qur'an 9:128)
And Muhammad (S) is the bearer of glad tidings and mercy as well as a warner. And have We not sent you as a mercy unto the worlds. (Qur'an 21:107)
And have We not sent you but as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner unto all mankind (Qur'an 34:28)
The Qur'an extols Muhammad's (S) high character.
Verily you are of a high and noble character. (Qur'an 68:4)
In addition, talks about the qualities one would acquire by following him.
Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find written down in the Torah (Old Testament) and Injil (The book revealed to Jesus). He bids them to the seemly and prohibits the unseemly; Allows unto them things clean and forbids unto them things unclean; And relieves of them of their burden and the shackles which have been upon them. Those who believe in him and side with him and support him and follow the light which has been sent down with him; Those shall fare well. (Qur'an 7:157)
2. Personal Traits (Appearance, Dress, Likes and Dislikes)
Prophet Muhammad (S) is reported to have been of medium height, well proportioned with a fair complexion. He had a wide forehead, closely-knit eyebrows, and wide-set black eyes with long eyelashes. His face was lightly fleshy and the mouth was wide. He had a long neck, relatively large head, and broad shoulders. His beard was thick, and his wrists and shoulders were hairy. The palms of his hands were broad and fleshy. The wrists were long, the ankles thin, and the arches of the feet somewhat high. His physical appearance and charisma invariably impressed people. When someone remarked to Jabir bin Samurah that the Prophet's face shone like a sword, he replied, "No, it shines like the sun and the moon."
On the Prophet's back, between the shoulders, there was a raised oval the size of a pigeon egg. Jabir bin Samurah is quoted in the traditions recorded by both Muslim and Tirmadhi as saying, "I saw a pigeon egg sized raised fleshy area between the Prophet's shoulders." Another description speaks about a collection of moles near the left shoulder, which is sometimes called the seal of the Prophet.
His hair was usually shoulder length. At the conquest of Makkah, people noticed his hair was lying on the shoulder in four bundles. As the Prophet preferred the "People of the Book" to the Mushrikun (disbelievers), and because the Mushrikun parted their hair, the Prophet initially wore his hair without a part. However, according to Tirmadhi, as later the Mushrikun practically disappeared, the Prophet no longer felt that he had to be careful not to look like them and started parting his hair. He frequently oiled his hair, and combed itevery other day; very few of his hair had turned gray. The Prophet used to walk fast, leaning forward slightly, as if he were walking downhill. His conversation was very sweet and pleasant. He used to speak carefully and in concise sentences so that the listeners often remembered every word of what they had heard. When he wanted to emphasize something, he repeated it several times. Often, when speaking, he appeared to be gazing at the sky.
The most touching description of Muhammad (S) is recorded in the words of Khadijah . Consoling him when he was awed and shaken by the first revelation, she said, "Allah will never make you sad. You share the burden of those who have loans they cannot pay, you help the poor, you are a great host, you uphold justice, and you help people in need."
3. Justice
Muhammad (S) had an acute sense of justice and fair play. This was seen most clearly when he dealt with his enemies. Once, the body of a companion (Abdullah, cousin of Muhayyisah) was found in a ditch in the town of Khaybar, an exclusively Jewish town. It was clear that he had been murdered. Muhayyisah asked for a judgment of retribution against the people of Khaybar. The Prophet asked Muhayyisah if he had witnessed the crime and Muhayyisah replied he had not. However, he suggested that the Jews from Khaybar should be brought in to take an oath that they did not commit the murder. The Prophet said that that would be unfair and instead gave the just recompense from the general treasury.
It was common in pagan Arabia for the people from a higher class to be judged by a more lenient standard. Once, a woman from the Quraysh was caught stealing, and one of the companions requested leniency because she was from the tribe of Quraysh. Muhammad's (S) face showed signs of some anger. He said, "Banu Isra'il were ruined because they were tough in punishing the poor and were lenient toward the rich."
4. Simplicity and Egalitarianism
Muhammad (S) ate anything that was offered to him, so long it was within the bounds of what had been prescribed as acceptable in Islam. He wore anything that was available. Frequently, his clothes were old and rough. In fact, he disliked fancy clothes and formality. He sat down anywhere on the floor, whether on a reed mattress or the bare floor. He frequently wrapped himself in a woolen blanket and sometimes slept in it. His mattress was an animal skin stuffed with date bark. He felt no hesitation or embarrassment in helping with household chores.
The rich and the poor, the free and the slave, the Quraysh and the non-Quraysh were treated alike. Food was shared equally, manual labor (as in the construction of the Masjid at Madinah and the digging of the trench) was shared equally, and above all, justice was meted out equally.
5. Generosity
The Prophet could never say no to a request. Once, when someone asked for his help, he replied, "I have nothing to give this time." He then went with that person to 'Umar's house to get the needed help. Many a time, he purchased something from a person and gave it back to the same individual as a donation. He disliked keeping any "dinar" (gold coins) for more than three days. At the time of his death, he was practically destitute by choice. Despite his position in the society, he lived a simple and modest life without any luxuries.
6. Attitude Toward the Disenfranchised, the Displaced, the Dispossessed and the Disabled
Although the Qur'an never explicitly banned slavery, Muhammad (S) did everything possible by word and action to get rid of it. Freeing a slave was considered an act of high charity. Slaves were allowed to buy their own freedom, and they were to be treated like family members. He would encourage people to use phrases like "my son" and "my child" when referring to slaves. The attitude that slaves were to be treated like family members explains the curious and unique phenomenon of slave kings and rulers in Muslim history. Both in India and Egypt, kings nominated their favorite slave to succeed them to the throne, resulting in slave dynasties of kings which lasted several generations.
Another group of abused and dispossessed in the society was women. He was able to achieve dramatic changes in the status of women. I will discuss the issue in some detail later in this paper.
7. A Gracious Host
Muhammad (S) took great pleasure in personally serving his guests. It was not uncommon for him to serve whatever he had at home and let his family go hungry. He liked giving gifts and was also pleased to accept them. "Send each other gifts. It will increase love and affection."
However, he would not accept favors. When Abu Bakr gave him a camel for the ride during Hijrah (Migration), he paid Abu Bakr for it. Even the land on which the first Masjid was built in Madinah was not accepted without compensating its owner.
8. Dislike of Begging, Monastic Behavior and Excessive Praise
The Prophet Muhammad (S) is recorded as saying, "It is better to carry wood on your back and sell it, than beg." On another occasion, he said, "On the day of reckoning, begging will be like a blemish on the face of the beggar."
He said begging is permitted in three extreme situations. First, for someone who is literally drowning in debt, he may beg until his needs are met. Second, when someone is affected by a sudden financial tragedy, he may beg until he is back on his feet. Third, if someone is starving he may beg.
Some of Muhammad's (S) companions considered adopting monastic behavior for self-purification and attainment of greater spirituality. When the Prophet heard of this, he called them in and expressed his displeasure. He said, "Your body has a right over you, so do your eyes and so does your wife." Some companions would fast daily. He admonished them not to fast for more than three days in a month (except during Ramadan). When one of the companions insisted that he had the strength to fast more often, Muhammad (S) allowed him to fast every other day, saying, "This was Dawud's (David) (as) practice."
He particularly disliked excessive praise. When someone would start praising him, he would immediately stop him. On another occasion, when someone started reciting poetry in his praise, he stopped him by saying, "Do not praise me excessively---; I am but a servant of Allah."
9. Promises and Pacts
Muhammad (S) always kept his word. The Makkans used to call him al-Amin (the trustworthy) even before he received the Wahy (revelation). When Negus, the Christian ruler of Ethiopia, was interrogating the Muslims who had migrated to Ethiopia about Muhammad's (S) character, one of his questions was, "Does your Messenger keep his word?" The answer was, "Yes; always!" Whether it was the "Covenant of Madinah" or the "treaty of Hudaybiyah" all pacts were honored scrupulously.
10. Forgiveness
Muhammad (S) never took personal revenge and forgave easily and quickly. There are many instances when he took verbal and even physical abuse imperturbably. Sometimes his companions would become very upset at the insulting and arrogant behavior of the Quraysh. He would cool them down and urge them to forgive. He forgave even his worst enemies. His forgiveness and grace toward Hind, on whose urging Hamzah was murdered and mutilated, stands as a witness to his extraordinary compassion. He was always courteous to the Munafiqun (hypocrites) and even the pagans (Kuffar) in the community. He knew that some of the hypocrites would participate in congregational prayer and even in some battles. He was fully aware of the fact, but never confronted them.
11. Desire To Spread Literacy and Education
Although personally unlettered he loved education. The acquisition and spread of knowledge was considered a sacred duty. He frequently ransomed prisoners of war if they promised to teach Muslims to read and write. "The ink in a scholar's pen", he is reported to have said, " is more precious than the blood of a martyr."
12. Public Display of Affection
He was a very affectionate man and had no hesitation in displaying it. Whenever he met Fatimah, his daughter, he would greet her very warmly. This love for her daughter was not tainted by even a trace of favoritism.
Because of all the hard manual work Fatimah had to do at home, like carrying water from the well in the "mishk" (water skin) and using a hand mill to crush grain into flour, her hands had black and blue marks and calluses. Yet, Muhammad (S) would not allot her a servant. They were allotted preferentially to those who fought in the battle of Badr.
13. Humor
Muhammad (S) liked humor. He smiled a lot and enjoyed playing with children. There are multiple examples of his gentle sense of humor.
Once, an old woman came up to him and asked for paradise. He said, "Old women do not enter the paradise." The woman started crying. As she started leaving the room, the Prophet, showing his subtle sense of humor, stopped her and said, "Old women will become young before entering the heaven." (Tirmadhi)
One of his companions was Zahir, who used to trade in metal objects. Once the Prophet was passing by the bazaar, he saw Zahir and playfully grabbed him from behind and said, "Will anyone buy this slave?" Zahir laughed and said, "O Messenger of Allah, whoever buys this slave will be in loss." The Prophet smiled and said, "In Allah's eyes, your value is high."
On another occasion, a man approached the Prophet and asked him for a camel to ride. The Prophet said, "I would give you a camel's child". The man said, "O Messenger of Allah. What will I do with a camel's child?" The Prophet smiled and said, "Is there any camel who is not the progeny of a camel?"
Studying reports in Sirah (biography of the Prophet) and Hadith literature, Muhammad's (S) personality emerges as that of a thoughtful, introspective individual, who lived a modest life. He was easily accessible to even the poorest in the community, disliked excesses in behavior, had a gentle sense of humor, was profoundly God conscious, and was single-mindedly devoted to establishing socio-economic justice.
The defamous image created by some authors of a man who was cunning, cruel, unjust, power hungry, and given to debauchery is such a fiction that it must astound any serious scholar of Muhammad's (S) life. In fact, upon reviewing the biographical literature of religious leaders, it is difficult to come up with another example in which a religious or world leader has been so misrepresented, vilified and calumniated.
The Physical Description and Beauty of the Prophet
Ali (RA) described the noble features of the Prophet (may Allah peace and blessings be upon him): “Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) was neither assertively tall, nor reticently short, and he was an average-sized member of the population. His hair was neither crisply curled nor lank; it was loosely curled. He was neither plump nor chubby-cheeked, and in his face there was a rounded quality. He was white with a reddish tinge, dark black-eyed, with long eyelashes. He had splendid kneecaps, elbow joints and shoulder blades, free from hair. He had a strip of hair from the top of the chest to the navel. The palms of his hands and the soles of his feet were thickset. When he walked, he moved as if he were descending a declivity, and when he looked around, he looked around altogether. Between his shoulders was the Seal of Prophethood, for he is the Seal of the Prophets. He was the best of the people in generosity, the most truthful of the people in speech, the gentlest of them in temperament, and the noblest of them in social intercourse. If someone saw him unexpectedly, he was awestruck by him, and if someone associated with him knowingly, he loved him. His describer says: “I have never seen the like of him (Allah bless him and give him peace), neither before him nor after him.” (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
It is related from Jaabir (Radiallahu anhu) that he said: "I once saw Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alayhi Wasallam on the night of a full moon. On that night he wore red clothing. At times I looked at the full moon and at times at Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alayhi Wasallam. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alayhi Wasallam was more handsome, beautiful and more radiant than the full moon." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.2. The Seal of Prophethood
Abdullah bin Sarjas Radiyallahu 'Anhu says: "I came to Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam while there were people sitting in his company. I went around to the back of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (The narrator may have done this physically). Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam understood what I was trying to do. He removed the sheet (body wrap) from his back. I saw the place of the Seal of Prophethood between his two shoulders. It was like a cluster surrounded by til (moles) which appeared to be like a wart. I came before Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam and said to him. May Allah forgive you (or Allah has forgiven you, as is mentioned in Surah Fath, 'That Allah may forgive you, your former and your latter sins'). Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam replied: 'May Allah forgive you too'. The people said to me that Rasulullah Sallallahu'Alayhi Wasallam has made du'aa for your maghfirah (forgiveness). I replied: 'Yes, and for you too, because Allah Ta'aala has said: 'O Muhammad, seek forgiveness for yourself and the Mu'min males and females also"'. (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.3. The Blessed Hair of the Prophet
Qataadah bin Da'aamah As-Sadusi relates: "I asked Anas R.A., 'How was the hair of Rasulullah (SAW)?'. He replied: 'It was not very twisted, nor very straight. It had a slight twist and was a bit curled, and reached till his ear-lobes'". (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Anas bin Maalik R.A. reports:"I did not count more than fourteen white hair on the head and beard of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam)". (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.4. The Prophet's Garments
Ummi Salamah Radiyallahu 'anha relates: "Of all the clothing, Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam preferred wearing the qamis (Thowb, kurtaa) the most". (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Bin Abbas (RA) says that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to say, "Choose white clothing, as it is the best clothing. And bury your dead in it." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.5. The Prophet's Sandals
Qatadah reports, " I asked Anas (RA) to describe the sandals of Allah's Messenger (SAW) and he replied, 'Each sandal had two straps." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Abu Hurairah (RA) relates that the Prophet (SAW) said,"Whenever one of you puts on his shoes, he should begin with the right, and when he removes his shoes he should begin with his left. The right foot should be first when putting on, and last when removing. " (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.6. The Prophet's Ring
Bin Umar (RA) narrates that,"Allah's Messenger (SAW) had a ring made of silver. He used it as a stamp on letters, but did not always wear it." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.7. The Prophet's Sword
Anas (RA) reports that< "the handle of the sword of the Prophet of Allah was made of silver." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3c.8. The Prophet's Turban
Bin Umar (RA) reports, "when the Messenger of Allah fastened an amamah, he used to put the shamlah between his shoulders." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
The physical beauty of the Prophet (saas)
The companions of the Prophet (saas) have passed on a great many detail about him, from the beauty of that blessed individual's external appearance, his radiance and disposition that left those who beheld him in awe, to his smile, and many other beautiful aspects that Allah had manifested in him. There were a fair number of such companions, and they have given many details of his great beauty. Those Muslims who lived at the same time as the Prophet (saas) have described many aspects of the servant of Allah. While some of those describe him in broad terms, others have given long and detailed descriptions. Some of these accounts are as follows:
The Prophet (saas)'s external appearance and beauty
His companions described the beauty of the Prophet (saas) in these terms:
"The Prophet (saas) had a most handsome constitution. Some gave the smile of his beauty to that of the full moon...His nose was thin... His face was smooth...His beard was thick...His neck was the most beautiful...If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold... The place between his shoulders was wide."67
Anas bin Malik (ra) says:
"The Messenger of Allah, was not excessively tall or short. He was not very pallid nor dark. He did not have curly hair or lank hair. Allah commissioned him at the age of forty. He stayed in Mecca ten years and at Medina for ten years and Allah the Mighty, the Majestic made him die when he was sixty. There were not twenty white hairs in his hair or beard, may Allah bless him and grant him peace."68
A text in which Ali (ra) describes the physical and moral beauty and the perfect behavior of the Prophet (saas), as well as the love and respect people feel for him.
"Rasulullah (saas) was so clean, clear, beautiful and handsome."69
Anas bin Malik (ra) says:
"The Prophet (saas) was neither tall nor short. He was handsome. His hair was neither delicate nor curly. He was neither very white, nor very brown."70
Your friend is only Allah and His Messenger and those who believe.
(Surat al-Ma'ida: 55)
He is Allah - there is no god but Him. He is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful.
(Surat al-Hashr: 22)
Baraa bin Aazib (ra) relates:
"I never saw someone more handsome than Rasullullah. His hair reached his shoulders. The portion between his two shoulders was wide. He was neither very tall nor very short."71
Ibrahim b. Muhammed (ra), one of the grandsons of Ali (ra), informs us:
"When Ali (ra) described the Prophet (saas) he said:
'He was neither very tall nor excessively short, but was a man of medium size. He had neither very curly nor flowing hair but a mixture of both... He was reddish-white, he had wide black eyes and long eyelashes. He had protruding joints and shoulder-blades... Between his shoulders was the seal of prophecy... He had a finer chest than anyone else, was truer in utterance than anyone else, had the gentlest nature and the noblest lineage. Those who saw him stood suddenly in awe of him and those who shared his acquaintance loved him. Those who described him said they had never seen anyone like him before or since'."72
Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah, If anyone turns away, we did not send you to them as their keeper.
(Surat an-Nisa: 80)
Hassan (ra) says:
"He had great qualities and attributes, others also held him in high esteem. His blessed face shone like the full moon. He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person...His blessed hair was slightly twisted. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle...Rasulullah (saas) had a very luminous complexion (color), and a wide forehead. His eye brows were of dense and fine hair ...
... His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the color of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver. All the parts of his body were of moderate size. His body was proportionately jointed..."73
Abu Huraira (ra) describes:
"The complexion of Rasulullah (saas) was white with redness in it. The blessed eyes of Rasulullah (saas) were extremely black. His eyelashes were long."74
"His forehead was wide and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver and eyes were black tinged with reddish hue. The hairs of his eye lashes were profuse... When he smiled or laughed, they (his teeth) shone like lightning. His lip was most beautiful...His beard was thick...His neck was most beautiful, neither long, nor short. If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. His chest was broad. It was even like a mirror and white like the moon light... His shoulders were wide. His palms were softer than wool."75
Take a charity from their wealth to purify and cleanse them and pray for them. Your prayers bring relief to them. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
(Surat at-Tawba: 103)
Umm Ma'bad (ra), who was known for her generosity, uprightness and courage, was visited by the Prophet (saas) during the Prophet (saas)'s migration from Mecca to Medina, but failed to recognize him. However, she described him to her husband, who recognized the Prophet (saas) from her description:
"He was innocently bright and had a broad countenance. His manners were fine... He had black attractive eyes... His hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. His voice was very commanding. His head was well formed and set on a slender neck. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. The stranger was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him, than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. His expression was very sweet and distinct. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were rosary of beads. His stature was neither too high nor too small. He was singularly bright and fresh. He was always surrounded by his Companions. Whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued a commandment, they vied with each other in carrying it out. He was a master and a commander."76
As we can discern from those who saw him in person, the Prophet (saas) was extraordinarily handsome, with a finely proportioned body and a face that took one's breath away. He also had a very athletic and powerful build.
The Prophet (saas)'s appearance
Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, an important scholar from Ottoman times, wrote a study that effectively summarized descriptions of the Prophet (saas)'s features. That appeared in Part IV of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Stories of the Prophets), under the heading "Some Attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (saas)":
"The blessed one had a beautiful appearance, his limbs were in perfect proportion, his body was well-formed, his forehead and chest and the distance between his shoulders were broad. His neck was slender and pure as silver, his shoulders, biceps and calves were large and thick, his wrists were long, his fingers also long, and his hands and fingers rather thick. His blessed skin was softer than silk.
On his perfect countenance were a well-proportioned head, curved eyebrows, a long nose and an oval face.
His eyelashes were long, his eyes black and beautiful, the space between his largish eyebrows was clear, though his eyebrows were close together.
That chosen Prophet (saas) was shining in appearance. In other words, he was neither light nor dark, but somewhere between the two, white like a red rose, light and limpid, and the light shone from his face. His teeth were as white as pearls and bright, and the light gleamed from his front teeth as he spoke. When he laughed, it was as if his mouth gave off rays like soft lightning...
His senses were exceedingly powerful. He could hear from a long way off and see further than anyone. In essence, he had a body formed in perfection and uniqueness, and blessed ... Anyone suddenly seeing him would be consumed with love, and anyone speaking with him would feel great love in his heart and soul. The wise respected him in accordance with their degree. He greatly honoured his relatives. He would not, however, treat them better than those more worthy than them.
He treated his servants well. Whatever he wore or ate, he would give to them to wear and eat.
He was generous, beneficial, compassionate, forgiving, brave and mild. In speech, he kept to his word. In essence, his excellent morality, sharp powers of reasoning were greater than those of all other people and worthy of great praise.
In eating and apparel he contented himself with the very poorest degree and refrained from excess."77
Another text in which Ali (ra) describes the Prophet's superior morality, his astonishing beauty and the perfection of his behavior.
The Prophet (saas)'s seal of Prophethood
Allah favored the Prophet Muhammad (saas) over all beings, and declared him to be "the Final Seal of the Prophets." (Surat al-Ahzab: 40) No prophet would be sent after him, and the Qur'an would be the last revelation to guide people onto the true way. Allah manifested that unique feature of the Prophet (saas) with a mark on his body.
In Islamic sources and oral accounts, that sign between the Prophet (saas)'s shoulder blades is known as "the seal of Prophethood." It is reported by Wahb bin Munebbih (ra) that the other prophets also had similar marks, but that that of the Prophet (saas) was different:
"Allah never sent down a prophet who did not have the sign of prophethood on his right hand. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was the only exception to this. His sign of prophethood was (not on his right hand) but between his shoulder blades. When asked about it, the Prophet said, 'This mark between my shoulder blades is like the marks on the prophets before me' ..."78
Jaabir bin Samurah (ra) relates that:
"I saw the Seal of Prophethood of Rasullullah (saas) between his two shoulders, the size of which was like that of a pigeon's egg."79
Ibrahim bin Muhammad (ra), one of the grandchildren of Ali (ra), reports:
"Whenever Ali (ra) described the nobel features of Rasulullah (saas), he used to say:
'The seal of Prophethood was situated between his shoulders. He was a last of all prophets'."80 Abu Nadrah (ra) says:
So believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the Light We have sent down. Allah is aware of what you do.
(Surat at-Taghabun: 8)
"I asked Abu Sa'eed Khudari (ra) about the Seal of Prophethood of Rasulullah (saas) He said: 'It was a piece of raised flesh that was on Rasulullah (saas)'s back'."81
"The place between his shoulders were wide and therein there was impression or seal of Prophethood inclined a little towards the right shoulder."82
Another report comes from Assib bin Yazid (ra):
"I saw the seal in between his shoulders."83
The Prophet (saas)'s hair
There are different descriptions of the length of the Prophet (saas)'s hair. It is natural that there should be discrepancies between them, as the people these accounts have come down from saw him at different times, when his hair may have been of different lengths. Yet, what can be recognized from these descriptions was that the Prophet (saas)'s hair was at ear-level at its shortest and at shoulder-length at its longest.
Anas bin Malik (ra) recalls :
"The hair of Rasulullah (saas) reached till half of his ears."84
Aisha (ra) reports:
"The blessed hair of Rasulullah (saas) was longer than those that reached the ear lobes, and shorter than those that reached the shoulders."85
Baraa bin Aazib (ra) says:
"Rasulullah (saas) was of average height, and the portion between the two shoulders was wide. His hair reached his ear lobes."86
Umm Haani, the daughter of Abu Taalib (ra) offers the following description:
"Rasulullah (saas) came to Mecca once after the hijrah (migration). His blessed hair had four plaits."87
Know that the Messenger of Allah is among you. If he were to obey you in many things, you would suffer for it. However, Allah has given you love of faith and made it pleasing to your hearts, and has made disbelief, deviance and disobedience hateful to you. People such as these are rightly guided.
(Surat al-Hujurat: 7)
The grooming of the Prophet (saas)'s hair and beard
The Prophet (saas) attached the greatest importance to cleanliness, and therefore, to his hair and beard too. It is reported in some sources that he always carried with him a comb, mirror, miswak (a small natural toothbrush), tooth-pick, scissors and a kuhl bottle.88 The Prophet (saas) advised his companions to do the same, and said: "He who has hair should honor it."89 Some other reports that have reached us of his hair and beard are:
Hassan (ra) said:
"He had a thick, dense beard."90
Anas bin Malik (ra) reports:
"Sayyidina Rasulullah (saas) often rubbed oil in his head..."91
Simak bin Harb (ra) reports:
"Jaabir bin Samurah (ra) was asked a question regarding the white hair of Rasulullah He replied: 'When Rasulullah (saas) oiled his hair, it (white hair) did not show. When he did not oil it, it showed'."92
The Prophet (saas) set an example for the believers with the importance he attached to his appearance and cleanliness. One account describes the Prophet (saas)'s attitude to such matters:
"The Prophet (saas) once intended to go to his companions and so he put on his turban and dressed his hairs...He said: 'Yes, Allah loves the actions of His servant who refines his body in order to meet his friends and brothers'."93
The Prophet (saas)'s manner of dress
His companions have handed down a great many details about the Prophet (saas)'s manner of dress. In addition to these, the Prophet (saas)'s advice to the believers about how they should dress reveal the importance he attached to this subject. For example, one hadith reports him as saying:
"No one who has even an atom's-weight of pride in his heart will enter Paradise." A man asked him, "What if he likes his clothes and shoes to look good?" (Meaning, is this counted as pride?) The Prophet (saas) said: "Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means denying the truth and looking down on other people."94
He regarded dressing well and looking good as a demonstration of the blessings of Allah:
"Allah loves to see the result of His blessing on His creatures."95
Jundub ibn Makith (r.a.) said:
"Whenever a delegation came to meet the Messenger of Allah, he would wear his best clothes and order his leading Companions to do likewise. I saw the Prophet (saas) on the day that the delegation of Kindah came to meet him; he was wearing a Yemeni garment, and Abu Bakr and 'Umar were dressed similarly."96
Another hadith relates:
"Eat what you like, and wear what you like provided that it is free from two things : extravagance and vainglory."97
The Prophet (saas) would immediately warn any of his companions who were unkempt or failed to care for their appearance. One story on the subject is from 'Ata 'ibn Yassar (ra):
"The Messenger of Allah was in the mosque, when a man with unkempt hair and an untidy beard came in. The Prophet (saas) pointed to him, as if indicating to him that he should tidy up his hair and beard. The man went and did so, then returned. The Prophet (saas) said, 'Is this not better than that any one of you should come with unkempt hair?'"98
According to the hadith narrated by one of the companions of the Prophet (saas), the Prophet (saas) told his Companions, when they were travelling to meet some brothers in faith:
"You are going to visit your brothers, so repair your saddles and make sure that you are dressed well, so that you will stand out among people like an adornment, for Allah does not love ugliness."99
Some of the information that was conveyed through the inner circle of the Prophet (saas) about his clothing are below:
Umar (ra) relates:
"I saw the Messenger of Allah (saas) ask for a new garment. He put it on, and when it reached his knees he said, 'Praise be to Allah, Who has given me clothes with which to cover myself and make myself look beautiful in this life.'"100
Umm Salama (ra) reports that:
"The Holy Prophet (saas) liked kurta (long shirt) most."101
Qurrah bin Ilyaas (ra) describes:
"I came with a group from the tribe of Muzeenah to pay allegiance to Rasulullah (saas). The button loop of Rasulullah (saas) was open."102
Al-Bara' ibn 'Azib (ra) states:
"I have never seen someone with long hair and red clothing more handsome than Rasullullah (saas). His hair reached his shoulders."103
Another report comes from Fazl ibn Abbas (ra):
"The Holy Prophet (saas) said: 'Adopt white clothes; it is the best attire.'"104
Aisha (ra) reported that:
"Allah's Apostle (saas) went out one morning wearing a cloak made of (camel's or sheep's) black hair with patterns of camel saddles upon it."105
The Prophet (saas)'s outdoor clothes
Ubayd bin Khaalid (ra) reports that:
"I was once going to Madina. I heard a person from behind me say: 'Wear your lungi (loose dress) higher because it avoids physical and spiritual impurities.' (The lungi will remain cleaner and will not become dirty by being dragged on the ground.) When I turned to see who was talking I saw that it was Rasulullah (saas)."106
Salamah bin Akwa (ra) informs us that:
"Uthmaan (ra) wore his lungi till the middle of his shin and said: 'This is how my master Rasulullah (saas) wore his lungi.'"107
The Prophet (saas)'s ring and seal
The seal of the Prophet (saas) is available in the Topkapi Palace.
Anas bin Malik (ra) says:
"Rasulullah (saas) had a ring made of silver and its (inlaid) gem was also of silver."108
When the Prophet (saas) wanted to write to the leaders of foreign states, he ordered a seal-ring to be made.
"Rasullullah (saas) therefore had a ring made, the whiteness of which is still before my eyes."109
"The inscription engraved on the ring of Rasulullah (saas) was 'Muhammad Rasulullah,' of which in the first line was engraved 'Muhammad,' in the second line 'Rasul,' and in the third line 'Allah'."110
The Prophet (saas)'s manner of walking
Abu Huraira (ra) reports:
"I did not see anyone more handsome than Rasulullah (saas). It was as if the brightness of the sun had shone from his blessed face. I did not see anyone walk faster than him, as is the earth folded for him. A few moments ago he would be here, and then there. We found it difficult to keep pace when we walked with him and he walked at his normal pace."111
One of Ali (ra)'s grandchildren, Ibrahim bin Muhammad (ra), says that the Prophet (saas) had an easy manner of walking:
When 'Ali (ra) described Rasulullah (saas), he used to say: 'When he walked, because of the speed and force of the legs, it seemed as if he was descending from a high place'."112
Hassan (ra) describes how:
"When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, leaned, slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. He walked at a quick pace and took a rather long step. He did not take small steps. When he walked it seemed as if he was descending to a lower place. When he looked at something, he turned his whole body towards it. He always looked down. His blessed glance was focused more to the ground than towards the sky. His noble habit was to look at something with a slight glance. He made salaam (greeted) first to whomsoever he met."113
(Left) Painting called Lilium Auratum. 1871. (Right) The City of Fayoum by Gérome
The Prophet (saas)'s manner of sitting
Qaylah bint Makhramah (ra) reports:
"I saw Rasulullah (saas) in the masjid (in a very humble posture) sitting. Due to his awe-inspiring personality, I began shivering."114
Jaabir bin Samurah (ra) says:
"I observed Rasulullah (saas) lean on a pillow, which was on his left side."115
Who could do greater wrong than someone who invents a lie against Allah
when he has been called to Islam?
Allah does not guide wrongdoing people. (Surat as-Saff: 7)
The Prophet (saas)'s way of speaking
The Prophet (saas) was a man known for his effective, wise and concise manner of speaking. His messages had a great effect on people, and everyone took great pleasure in talking with him. A number of accounts that have come down from his companions also confirm that fact. These are some of them:
"The Prophet (saas) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and beauty of speech. He said: 'I am the greatest orator among the Arabs'."116
The Mosque of Sultan Hassan (right) by David Roberts.
Aisha (ra) describes the Prophet (saas)'s way of speaking thus:
"The speech of Rasulullah (saas) was not quick and continuous as that of yours. He spoke clearly, word by word."117
"They said: 'The Messenger of Allah used to talk little and every thing was expressed in this brief talk. In his speech, there was no defect of excess or brevity. The words came one after another like pearls. Whoever heard them remembered them. He was the sweetest in talk among his companions. He used to keep silent for long and not talk without necessity. He used not to talk evil words and what he talked was just."118
"He did not use ornamental words...."119
"... His companions did never dispute before him."120
"He used to smile much before his companions..."121
Aisha (ra) again says:
"He spoke in such a way that the words were spaced out so that those who sat with him remembered them."122
Abdullah bin Haarith (ra) reports that:
"I have not seen anyone who makes a person more cheerful than Rasulullah (saas)."123
Anas bin Malik (ra) tells us the following:
"Rasulullah (saas) used to mingle with us and joke."124
The Prophet (saas)'s pleasing scent
The Prophet (saas) attached great importance to cleanliness. He always smelt very fresh, clean and pleasant, and recommended that Muslims do the same. Accounts that have reached us from his companions give further details of this aspect of the Prophet (saas):
Jaabir bin Samura (ra) states:
"Whenever the Holy Prophet tread on any path, when someone passed by later, that they could recognize that the prophet had passed by there because they could smell the fragrance of his body."125
From Anas bin Malik (ra):
"I never felt a silk cloth, nor pure silk, nor any other thing softer than the palm of Rasulullah (saas). Nor did I smell any musk or any other fragrance, more sweet smelling than the fragrance of Rasullullah (saas)."126
Anas bin Malik (r.a) reports:
"I never smelt ambergris or musk as fragrant as the fragrance of the body of Allah's Messenger (saas) and I never touched brocade or silk and found it as soft as the body of Allah's Messenger (saas)."127
In Qisas al-Anbiya, the Prophet (saas) was described in this way:
"His body was clean and his scent beautiful. Whether or not he had used scent, his skin always had a lovely scent to it. If someone shook hands or conversed with him, or showed his friendship or affection, he would smell that clean scent all day, and if he laid that sacred hand on a child's head, that child could be distinguished from other children by that clean scent."128
The Prophet (saas)'s favorite foods
"He used not to take any hot food."129
"Meat was his most favorite curry."130
"The Holy Prophet (saas), amongst all other foods, liked pumpkin."131
"He used to eat the meat of hunted birds."132
... they will have Gardens with rivers flowing under them. When they are given fruit there as provision, they will say, 'This is what we were given before.' But they were only given a simulation of it.
(Surat al-Baqara: 25)
"He liked dried dates among dates."133
Aisha (ra) had this to say about the food the Prophet (saas) enjoyed:
"Rasulullah (saas) loved halva and honey."134
"Among foods, he liked mutton, broth, pumpkins, sweet things, honey, dates, milk, cream, melons, grapes and cucumbers. He also liked cold water."135
She adds:
"Rasulullah (saas) ate watermelon with fresh dates."136
Garden, by Pieter Gysels (1621-1690)
"He never condemned the food. He used to eat what he liked and did not eat what he did not like."137
"Rasulullah (saas) loved the meat of the forequarter."138
These are some of the things the Prophet (saas) said about certain foods:
"What a nice curry vinegar is."139
"The Prophet (saas) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes, it also arrests paralysis."140
"Illnesses are cured by means of three things: (one of them) is a drink of honey."141
"Use olive oil as a food and ointment for it comes from a blessed tree."142
Still-life painting by Ibrahim Safi.
What the Prophet (saas) liked to drink
Aisha tells us that:
"The drink most liked by Rasulullah (saas) was that which was sweet and cold."143
"Nabeez was prepared from dried grapes for the Prophet (saas) and dates were, also, put in it, or it was prepared from dried dates, and grapes, too, were put in it. "144
"The best of drinks to the Messenger of Allah was sweet cold drink."145
"The Holy Prophet (saas) said; besides milk there is nothing else that serves the purpose of both milk and water."146
This is what the Prophet (saas) had to say about milk:
"When one of you eats food, he should say: 'O Allah, bless us in it, and give us food (or nourishment) better than it.' When he is given milk to drink he should say: 'O Allah! Bless us in it and give us more of it, for no food or drink satisfies like milk'."147
What the Prophet (saas) said about water
The Prophet (saas) took great care to distribute water, particularly on journeys. On one particular journey, for instance, he stopped somewhere and asked for water from those around him. After washing his hands and face, he drank from the water, and told his companions; "pour some of its water on your faces and chests."148
After drinking water, he prayed:
"All praise is due to Allah Who has made it delicious and sweet by His grace and has not made it either salty or unsavory."149
On another occasion, the Prophet (saas) said:
"Water was created pure and nothing makes it impure except that which changes its color, taste and smell."150
Some of the Prophet (saas)'s finer traits
Imam Ghazzali, known as "Hujjatul Islam," collected and set out some of the Prophet (saas)'s traits as related by such great Islamic scholars as Tirmidhi, Tabarani, Muslim, Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maja:
What is the Garden promised to those who have done their duty like? It has rivers flowing under it and its foodstuffs and cool shade never fail. That is the final fate of those who have done their duty. But the final fate of the disbelievers is the Fire.
(Surat ar-Ra'd: 35)
"The Holy Prophet (saas) was the most patient among men, the bravest, the best judge, and he who pardoned most. ... he was the most charitable man. He did not pass a single night hoarding a single dirham or dinar. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy. He did not store up for more than a year the provision of his family members which Allah was pleased to give him. He used to take one fifth of what easily came to him out of dates and wheat. What remained in excess, he used to give in charity. He used to give away in charity to him who begged of him of anything, even out of his stored up provision.
He did not take any revenge for personal wrongs but he used take it for preservation of the honor of Allah.
He used to speak the truth even though it was sometimes a cause of trouble to himself and his companions.
He was the most modest, without pride, and his tongue was most eloquent without prolongation of speech. His constitution was the most beatiful. No worldly duties could keep him busy.
He used to go even to a distant place to see the sick, loved scents and hated a stench or bad smell, sat with the poor and the destitute, ate with them, honored those possessing honor, advised them to do good and show kindness to relatives. He did not treat harshly to anybody and accepted excuses offered to him.
He accepted sports and pastimes as lawful, played with his wives and held races with them.... He did not hate the poor for their poverty nor fear the kings for their mighty power. He used to call the people, high or low towards Allah. Allah adorned him with all the qualities and good administration
At the time when the Quran was being revealed to him, he used to smile most. When something happened, he entrusted it to Allah, kept himself free from his own strength and ability and said in invocation: 'O Allah, show me truth in a true manner or give me grace to give it up. You guide to the straight path whomsoever You will.'
Allah revealed the Quran to him and through it He taught him good manners." 151
For this We sent a Messenger to you from among you to recite Our Signs to you and purify you and teach you the Book and Wisdom and teach you things you did not know before.
(Surat al-Baqara: 151)
Hind bin Abi Haalah described prophet Muhammad saying, "He had great qualities and attributes in him, others also held him in high estemm. His blessed face shone like the full moon.
He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person.
His head was moderately large.
His hair was slightly twisted. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle. Occasionally he used to part his hair in the middle with a comb etc. When the hair of the prophet was abundant, it used to pass over his ear- lobes)
His had a very luminous complexion color with pinky cheeks and lips,
He had a wide forehead.
He had dense and fine hair on his eye brows. Both eye brows were seperate and did not meet each other in the middle. There was a vein between them that used to expand when he became angry.
His nose was prominent and had a luster on it. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the luster and beauty made it look large, otherwise in itself the nose was not large.
His beard was full and dense.
The pupil of his eye was black.
His cheeks were full and full of flesh.
His mouth was moderately wide.
His teeth were thin and bright. The front teeth had a slight space between them.
There was a thin line of hair from the chest to the navel.
His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the colour of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver.
All the parts of his body were of moderate size, and fully fleshed.
His body was proportionately jointed.
His chest and stomach were in line, but his chest was broad and wide.
The space between his shoulders was wide.
The bones of his joints were strong and large (denoting strength).
Between the chest and navel there was a thin line of hair. Besides this line neither the chest nor the stomach had other hair on it. Both sides, the shoulders and the upper portion of the chest had hair.
His forearm was long and palms were wide and fleshed.
His both feet were fully fleshed.
The fingers and toes were moderately long.
The soles of his feet were a bit deep.
His feet were smooth, because of their cleanliness and smoothness the water did not remain there but flowed away quickly. When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigor, leaned slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground.
He walked at a quick pace and took rather a long step. He did not take small steps. When he walked it seemed as if he was descending to a lower place.
When he looked at something he turned his whole body towards it.
He always looked down. His sight was focused more to the ground than towards the sky. His modest habit was to look at something with a light eye, i.e. he looked at a thing, with modesty and bashfulness, hence he did not stare at anything.
While walking he asked his companions to walk in front, and he himself walked behind. He greeted whomsoever he met."
“His face shone like the moon.” - (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“His face was round like the moon.” – (Bara bin Azib)
“His face was not quite round but inclined to roundness.” – (Hazrat Ali(R.A))
“Broad forehead, slanting thick brows parted in the middle. A vein protruded between the two parts which became more prominent in anger.” (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Neither white like lime, nor tanned, but brown with whiteness predominant.” – (Hazrath Anas(R.A))
“White, reddish.” – (Hazrath Ali(R.A))
“White but wholesome.” – (Abu Tufail)
“White and bright.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Black, with long eyelashes.” (Hazrath Ali)
“Black and drooping. Habit of looking from the corner of the eyes in shyness.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Red lines in the white parts, wide sockets, and natural grey corners.” – (Jabir bin Samra)
“Somewhat high with unique brightness whereby it looked large at first sight.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Even and soft, a bit of flesh drooping at the lower end.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Wide.” – (Jabir bin Samra)
“Moderately wide.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Thin and bright, symmetrical, openings in front teeth.” – (Hazrath Ibn Abbas)
“When talking a light seemed to sparkle from the teeth.” – (Hazrath Anas)
“Full and thick.” - (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Thin and long, beautifully chiselled like a statue Colour of the neck white like silver and handsome.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Large but symmetrical.”- (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Neither quite straight, nor sheep like.” – (Qatada)
“Slightly curly.” – (Hazrath Anas)
“Thick, sometimes touching ear lobes and sometimes reaching upto shoulders.”- (Bara bin Azib)
“Parted in the middle.” - (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“The body did not have much hair. A line of hair running from the chest to the navel.” – (Hazrath Ali and Hind bin Abi Hala)
“There were some hair on shoulders, arms and upper chest.” (Hind bin Abi Hala)
General Structure:
“Body well built, bones joining limbs large and strong.”- (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Body was not fat.” (Hazrath Ali)
“Neither tall nor short, small but middle-sized.” – (Hazrath Anas)
“Inclined to be tall. Among the people he appeared to rise higher than others.” – (Bara bin Azib)
“The abdomen was not protruding.” – (Umme-e-Mabad)
“Despite has poor conditions and lack of proper food his body was stronger and more virile than those of better nourished persons.” – (Al-Mawahib)
“I have not seen a braver and stronger man than the Prophet.” – (Ibn Umar)
Shoulder and Chest:
“Chest broad and even with the abdomen.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“Chest broad.” – (Bara bin Azib)
“Width between shoulders more than usual.” – (Hind bin Abi Hala and Bara bin Azib)
“Portion between shoulders fleshy.” – (Hazrath Ali)
Arms and Hands :“Wrists large, palms wide and fingers symmetrically large.” (Hind bin Abi Hala)
“I have not touched any thick or thin silk or anything else which was softer and fleshier than Prophet’s palms.” – (Hazrath Anas)
Calfs and Feet:
“Calfs were not fleshy but symmetrical.” – (Jabir bin Samra)
“Feet were fleshy, lower parts of feet little hollow and feet so smooth that they could not retain water.” – (Jabir bin Samra)
“Very little flesh on heels.” – (Jabir bin Samra)
The most graphic description of the Prophet was given by an old woman at whose house the Prophet stopped on his way from the cave of Thaur to Medina and her goats gave so much milk that the Prophet and his companions were fully satisfied and yet there was much left over.
When the old woman’s husband returned home and expressed his surprise, the woman gave the description of the Prophet as follows:
“Handsome features, bright face, likeable temperament, neither the abdomen protruding nor hair of the head fallen out, graceful, handsome, eyes black and large, hair long and thick, voice clear, long neck, bright black of the eye, natural grey corners, thin and drooping eyelashes, black and curly hair, silent with dignity inclined to cordiality, graceful and captivating at a distance and very sweet and most handsome from near, talk sweet and words clear, neither more nor less than necessary, all talk consistent, middle-sized, neither short so as to look insignificant nor tall to look unbecoming, a fresh twig of handsome plant, charming to look at and well- built. His companions are so devoted that they always surround him, quietly listen to what he says and promptly obey what he orders. Obeyed, liked, neither verbose nor cryptic.”
His companions described the beauty of the Prophet (s) in these terms:
â€Å“The Prophet (s) had a most handsome constitution. Some gave the smile of his beauty to that of the full moon,His nose was thin, His face was smooth,His beard was thick,His neck was the most beautiful,If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. The place between his shoulders was wide.
Anas bin Malik (ra) says:
The Messenger of Allah (SWT), was not excessively tall or short. He was not very pallid nor dark. He did not have curly hair or lank hair. Allah (SWT) commissioned him at the age of forty. He stayed in Mecca ten years and at Medina for ten years and Allah (SWT) the Mighty, the Majestic made him die when he was sixty. There were not twenty white hairs in his hair or beard, may Allah (SWT) bless him and grant him peace.
Anas bin Malik (ra) says:
â€Å“The Prophet (s) was neither tall nor short. He was handsome. His hair was neither delicate nor curly. He was neither very white, nor very brown.
Abu Huraira (ra) describes:
â€Å“The complexion of Rasulullah (s) was white with redness in it. The blessed eyes of Rasulullah (s) were extremely black. His eyelashes were long.
Umm Ma̢۪bad (ra), who was known for her generosity, uprightness and courage, was visited by the Prophet (s) during the Prophet (s) migration from Mecca to Medina, but failed to recognize him. However, she described him to her husband, who recognized the Prophet (s) from her description:
â€Å“He was innocently bright and had a broad countenance. His manners were fine… He had black attractive eyes… His hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. His voice was very commanding. His head was well formed and set on a slender neck. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. The stranger was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him, than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. His expression was very sweet and distinct. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were rosary of beads. His stature was neither too high nor too small. He was singularly bright and fresh.
He was always surrounded by his Companions. Whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued a commandment, they vied with each other in carrying it out. He was a master and a commander. (Shaykh Safi ur-Rahmân al-Mubarakpoori, The Prophet’s Attributes and Manners From â€Å“The Sealed Nectarâ€, Islam’s Youth Voice)
Abu Huraira (ra) reports:
â€Å“I did not see anyone more handsome than Rasulullah (s). It was as if the brightness of the sun had shone from his blessed face. I did not see anyone walk faster than him, as is the earth folded for him. A few moments ago he would be here, and then there. We found it difficult to keep pace when we walked with him and he walked at his normal pace.â€
â€Å“When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, leaned, slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. He walked at a quick pace and took a rather long step. He did not take small steps. When he walked it seemed as if he was descending to a lower place. When he looked at something, he turned his whole body towards it. He always looked down. His blessed glance was focused more to the ground than towards the sky. His noble habit was to look at something with a slight glance. He made salaam (greeted) first to whomsoever he met.†(Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 118)
Hassan (ra) says:
â€Å“He had great qualities and attributes, others also held him in high esteem. His blessed face shone like the full moon. He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person…His blessed hair was slightly twisted. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle. Rasulullah (s) had a very luminous complexion (color), and a wide forehead. His eye brows were of dense and fine hair
… His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the color of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver. All the parts of his body were of moderate size. His body was proportionately jointed.
â€Å“His forehead was wide and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver and eye-balls were black tinged with reddish hue. The hairs of his eye lashes were profuse, When he smiled or laughed, they (his teeth) shone like lightning. His lip was most beautiful,His beard was thick,His neck was most beautiful, neither long, nor short. If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. His chest was broad. It was even like a mirror and white like the moon light,His shoulders were wide. His palms were softer than wool.
The Walk of the Prophet
Abu Hurairah (RA) said, "I did not see anyone walk faster than the Messenger of Allah. It was as if the earth folded for him. A few moments ago he would be here, and then there. We found it difficult to keep pace when we walked with him, and he walked at his normal pace." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3d.2. The Eating and Drinking of the Prophet
Anas (RA) said, "The Messenger of Allah used to lick his three fingers after having eaten." (Shamai'l Tirmidhi)
Umar bin Abi Salamah (RA) came to the Messenger of Allah while food was being served to him. The Messenger of Allah said, "O my son come near, recite Bismillah, and eat with your right hand from that portion which is in front of you." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Amar bin Shu'ayb grandfather (RA) relates, "I had seen the Messenger of Allah drinking whilst standing and also whilst sitting." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Aisha (RA) said, "The drink most liked by the Messenger of Allah was that which was sweet and cold." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3.d.3 The fragrance of the Prophet
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates, "The Messenger of Allah said, "The fragrance of a male is the fragrance which spread and is transparent, and the fragrance of a female is that which is colored and less fragrant." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3.d.5 The smiling, laughing and jesting of the Prophet
Abdullah bin Harith (RA) reports, "I did not see anyone who smiled more than the Messenger of Allah." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Abdullah bin Harith (RA) relates, "The laugh of Allah's Messenger was but a smile." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Abu Huraira (RA) reports, "The Sahabah asked, "O Messenger of Allah, you joke with us? The Messenger of Allah replied, 'Yes, but only the truth." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Al-Hasan Al-Basri says that an old woman came to the messenger of Allah and made a request, O’ Messenger of Allah make Dua that Allah grants me entrance into Jannah. The messenger of Allah replied, O’ Mother, an old woman cannot enter Jannah. That woman started crying and began to leave. The messenger of Allah said, Say to the woman that one will not enter in a state of old age, but Allah will make all the women of Jannah young virgins. Allah Ta’aala says, Lo! We have created them a (new) creation and made them virgins, lovers, equal in age. (Surah Waaqi’ah, 35-37). (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Speech of the Prophet(SAW)
He spoke a few words but was very precise and clear
He was very patient so that everyone can understand
He never spoke a word that could be misinterpreted or never spoke any foul words.
3.d.6 The devout worship of the Prophet
Al Mughirah bun Sh'bah (RA) reports, "The Messenger of Allah performed such lengthy night prayers, that his blessed legs would become swollen. The companions said, "You undergo such strife, when Allah has forgiven your past and future sins? He responded, 'Should I not be a grateful servant." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Hudhayfah bin al Yaman (RA) narrates, "I prayed the night prayer with the Prophet one night, and he read al Baqarah, al Nisa and Al Imran" (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Prophet (SAW) used to pray night prayers regularly. So He was used to it and trained to this kind of long prayers. So it was easy for him to do so.
3.d.7 The weeping of the Prophet
Abdulla bin Mas'ud (RA) said, "Allah's Messenger once asked me to recite the Qur'an to him. I said, "O Messenger of Allah, should I recite it to you when it has been revealed to you" Allah's Messenger responded, "I love to hear it from another person." Thereupon, I began reciting Surah Al Nisa. when I reached the ayah, "How when we bring of every person a witness, and We bring you (O Muhammd) a witness against them?' (Al Nisa:41), I saw tears flowing from both of his eyes." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Aisha (RA) narrates, "One night, Allah's Messenger kept repeating one ayah the whole night, and continued to weep. "If you should punish them- indeed they are your servant; but if you forgive them-indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise." (5:118) (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
3.d.8 The sleeping of the Prophet
Abu Qatadah (RA) narrates, "If Allah's Messenger (SAW) slept during the night, he slept on his right side. If he was only able to sleep a short while, he would raise his right arm and then sleep on it. " (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
"And verily, you are on an exalted standard of character." (Al Qalam:4)
3e.1. Mercy and Compassion
And We have sent you (O Muhammad SAW) not but as a mercy for the worlds. (Al Anbiya: 107)
And by the Mercy of Allâh, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh¬hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allâh's) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allâh, certainly, Allâh loves those who put their trust (in Him). (Ali Imran:159)
Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad SAW) is anxious over you, for the believers (he SAW is) full of pity, kind, and merciful. (al-Tawbah:128)
The Prophet (SAW), without a shadow of doubt, was the epitome of mercy. This is not only due to Allah describing him as such, but due to the manifestation of mercy in his character. There are two particular scenarios that stick out above the rest:
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: Verily the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) recited the words of Allah, the Great and Glorious, that Ibrahim uttered: My Lord! Lo! they have led many of mankind astray: "But whoso followeth me, he verily is of me" (al-Qur'an, xiv.35), and Jesus (peace be upon him) said: "If thou punisheth them, lo! they are Thy slaves, and if Thou forgiveth them--verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise" (al-Qur'an, v.117). Then he raised his hands and said: O Lord, my Ummah, my Ummah, and wept. So Allah, the High and the Exalted, said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad (though your Lord knows it fully well) and ask him: what makes thee weep? So Gabriel (p.) came to him and asked him, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) informed him of what he had said (though Allah knew it fully well). Upon this Allah said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad and say: Verily We shall please thee with regard to your Ummah and shall not displease thee. (Sahih Al Muslim)
"Being a Prophet of absolute mercy, one who came to secure the happiness of mankind both in tis world and the next, Allah's Messenger (SAW) entered Makkah, bowing on the back of his mule, as a victorious conqueror. He displayed no hint of self pride nor thought of either vengeance or retaliation. He proceeded toward the Ka'bah in utmost modesty and absolute gratitude to God, who had made him victorious in his sacred mission. He stopped at the Ka'bah and asked those who assembled there, 'How do you expect me to treat you?' You are a noble man, the son of a noble man', they answered. Allah's Messenger concluded, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the Most Merciful of the Merciful." (Yusuf:92) You can disperse.'
This marked the end of the polytheism in Makkah. While he was toppling down the idols at the Ka'bah one after the other, he recited, 'Say, "Truth has come and falsehood has disappeared. Indeed falsehood is subject to disappearance." And, almost all of the Makkans, who had been the enemies of Islam until one day before, acquired the honour of becoming companions to Allah's Messenger (SAW). (al-Tabari)
3.e.2 Kindness to children
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) had the sublimest character among mankind. I had a brother who was called Abd 'Umair. I think he was weaned. When Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) came to our house he saw him, and said: Abu 'Umair, what has the sparrow done? He (Anas) said that he had been playing with that. (Muslim)
3.e.3. Generosity
Anas bin Malik (RA) reported, "It never happened that Allah's Messenger (SAW) was asked anything for the sake of Islam and he did not give. There came to him a person and he gave him a large flock (of sheep and goat) and he went back to his people and said, "My people, embrace Islam, for Muhammad gives so much charity it is as if he has no fear of poverty." (Muslim)
Ibn Shihad reported that Allah's Messenger (SAW) went out along with the Muslims and they fought at Hunayn, and Allah granted victory to His religion and to the Muslims. Allah's Messenger (SAW( gave one hundred camels to Safwan bin Umayyah. He again gave him one hundred camels, and then again gave him one hundred camels. Sa'id bin al-Musayyib said that Safwan told him, "By Allah! Allah's Messenger (SAW) gave me what he gave me, and he was the most detested person in my eyes. But he continued to give until he became the dearest to me." (Muslim)
3.e.4. Justice
Aisha (RA) narrated, "The people of Quraysh became very worried about the Makhzumiya lady who had committed theft. They said, 'Nobody can speak to Allah's Messenger (SAW), except Usama bin Zaid who is the favorite of Allah's Messenger.' When Usama spoke to Allah's Messenger about the matter, Allah's Apostle said, 'Do you interceded with me to violate one of the legal punishments of Allah?' He then got up and addressed the people, saying, 'O people! The nations before you went astray because if a noble person committed theft, they used to leave him, but if a weak person amongst them committed theft, they used to inflict the legal rulings on him. By Allah, if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, I would have cut off her hand." (Bukhari)
3.e.5. Patience
Narrated Khabbab bin Al-Arat: We complained to Allah's Apostle (of the persecution inflicted on us by the infidels) while he was sitting in the shade of the Ka'ba. We said to him, "Would you seek help for us? Would you pray to Allah for us?" He said, "Among the nations before you a (believing) man would be put in a ditch that was dug for him, and a saw would be put over his head and he would be cut into two pieces; yet that (torture) would not make him give up his religion. His body would be combed with iron combs that would remove his flesh from the bones and nerves, yet that would not make him abandon his religion. By Allah, this religion (i.e. Islam) will prevail till a traveler from Sana (in Yemen) to Hadrarmaut will fear none but Allah, or a wolf as regards his sheep, but you (people) are hasty. (Bukhari)
3.e.6. Bravery and Courage
Bara bin Azab narrates, "In the battle of Hunayn, as Muslims were being taken out by archers, the people turned to the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Abu Sufyan bin Harith was leading the Messenger of Allah (SAW) mule. He got down, prayed, and invoked Allah's help. He said, 'I am the Prophet. This is the truth. I am the son of Abdul Mutallib. O Allah, descend your help." Bara' continued. "When the battle grew fierce, by Allah, we would seek protection by the Prophet's side, and the bravest among us was he who confronted the onslaught in the front, by the Prophet's side." (Muslim)
3.6.7. Humility
Aisha (RA) narrated, "He used to remain busy serving and helping his household, and when the time for prayer came he would perform ablution and go for prayer. He would patch his own sandals and sew his own garments. He was an ordinary human being, milking his sheep, and doing his own chores." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Being the Messenger of Allah (SAW), a living example for all the eternity, the discussion of his noble and great character would never come to an end. It is as the scholars have said, "Describing the greatness of Allah's Messenger (SAW) is that ocean that knows no shore." (Ibn Hajar Fath al Bari)
The Exclusive Characteristics
The Prophet (SAW) being the best of mankind and the seal to Prophethood, was given exclusive and particular characteristics that were not given to anyone before or after him. This topic is divided into two main categories:
That which is exclusive in legislation
That which is exclusive in virtue and preference.
3f.1. That which distinguishes him from the rest of the Prophets, with regards to this World
The greatest revelation: The Qur'an
The Seal of the Prophets.
The earth was made pure for him and a place of prayer.
The taking of the spoils of war.
Sent to both mankind and jinn.
Lead all the Prophets in prayer in Jerusalem (Isra Al Miraj)
That which is between his house and his grace is a garden from the gardens of Paradise.
His city (Medina) would never me affected by plague.
Prayer in his masjid is multiplied one thousand fold.
The book revealed to him will be preserved from error and distortion.
The day of Jum'ah. The day of gathering was only for our Prophet (SAW).
The last two verses of Surah al Baqarah. These ayahs were exclusive for Prophet (SAW). We will not be held accountable for our inner intentions.
Allah swore by his life. "Verily, by your life (O Muhammad SAW), in their wild intoxication, they were wandering blindly." (15:72)
His followers are obligated to send Salah and Salam upon Him.
The splitting of the moon.
The description of al Dajjal
3f.2. That which distinguishes Him from the rest of the Prophets, with regards to the Afterlife.
He will be the first to be resurrected.
He will be the first to enter Paradise.
He will be granted al-Maqam - al Mahmud. It is a place Allah has prepared. The place Prophet (SAW) will prostrate after which the Day of Judgment will begin.
He will be the first to intercede.
He will be granted Al Kawthar. The greatest pond in Paradise.
He will be granted al Wasilah. The loftiest place in Paradise.
he will have the largest congregation.
He will be able to partially intercede for a non-Muslim.
3f.3. That which distinguishes him from his Ummah
He was granted the permission to continually fast.
He was allowed to marry more than four wives.
When he sleeps, it is only his body and not his mind and heart that sleeps.
Lying upon him is far more severe than lying upon others.
It is an obligation to love him.
His qarin (satan) accepted Islam.
Our salam reaches him where ever we maybe.
Satan cannot imitate him.
He was able to hear that which others were not.
The earth will not devour his body.
His perspiration was fragrant.
He is buried where he died.
He is exalted; belittling him is disbelief.
His wealth is not inherited.
He was obliged to pray the night prayer.
His wives could not remarry after his death.
During his life, it was permissible to seek blessing through him.
The Signs of Prophethood
Upon initial reflection, it seems that provoking the Prophethood of an individual would be very difficult. We fail to realize that it is Allah who is establishing Prophethood and nothing is difficult for Him. Our task is to find the signs of Prophethood in the individual in question- in this case, Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This method was used by Heraclius, the ruler of Byzantine:
Heraclius asked the translator to convey to me the following, I asked you about his family and your reply was that he belonged to a very noble family. In fact all the Apostles come from noble families amongst their respective peoples. I questioned you whether anybody else amongst you claimed such a thing, your reply was in the negative. If the answer had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man was following the previous man's statement. Then I asked you whether anyone of his ancestors was a king. Your reply was in the negative, and if it had been in the affirmative, I would have thought that this man wanted to take back his ancestral kingdom.
I further asked whether he was ever accused of telling lies before he said what he said, and your reply was in the negative. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah. I, then asked you whether the rich people followed him or the poor. You replied that it was the poor who followed him. And in fact all the Apostle have been followed by this very class of people. Then I asked you whether his followers were increasing or decreasing. You replied that they were increasing, and in fact this is the way of true faith, till it is complete in all respects. I further asked you whether there was anybody, who, after embracing his religion, became displeased and discarded his religion. Your reply was in the negative, and in fact this is (the sign of) true faith, when its delight enters the hearts and mixes with them completely. I asked you whether he had ever betrayed. You replied in the negative and likewise the Apostles never betray. Then I asked you what he ordered you to do. You replied that he ordered you to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship any thing along with Him and forbade you to worship idols and ordered you to pray, to speak the truth and to be chaste. If what you have said is true, he will very soon occupy this place underneath my feet and I knew it (from the scriptures) that he was going to appear but I did not know that he would be from you, and if I could reach him definitely, I would go immediately to meet him and if I were with him, I would certainly wash his feet.' (Bukhari)
This method can further be complemented with other realizations:
The methodology of Allah is that progress in all facets of life is gradual, and not instanteous. This realization directs us to the Pre-Prophethood days of Muhammad, to see if there are any indications of future Prophethood. Upon analysis we find the following indications:
The miraculous birth of the Prophet
The opening of his chest. Jibreal (AS) opened his chest and purified his chest with zamzam water when he was a child.
Staying away from idol worship.
Staying away from evil and lewd acts.
Establishing a trustworthy and honest relationship with his people so that he would come to be known as "The Trustworthy".
Every Prophet was given miracles- miracles so great that no one who witnessed them could deny the divine intervention involved therein. These divine miracles can be further divided into two categories:
Those that can truly only be appreciated by those who witnessed them. Examples of these include, but are not limited to:
The splitting of the moon.
Al Isra wal Mi'raj.
Divine aid in the battle.
Clouds obeying Allah to aid the Prophet.
Curing of the sick.
Communication with animals.
Miracles with tress and mountains.
Miracles with food and drink.
Protection from enemies.
Instant answering of supplications.
Those that stand the test of time and are a lasting miracle until the end of time:
The Qur'an and that which is related to it.
The Sunnah and that which is related to it.
The detailed preserved biography of the Prophet.
The level of love and emulation of the Prophet.
The legal and creedal composition of the religion.
"Certainty is only achieves by having plenty of different sorts of evidence and then putting them all together. A miracle, when taken on its own, does not give some people certainty. The miracles of Musa did not cause Pharaoh and his people to believe, but rather caused them to say that he was a lying magician. In the same way, if you were to understand the true meaning of Prophethood and look deeply in the Qur'an and study the hadith literature, you would inevitably come to know that Muhammad was a man who had reached the highest levels of Prophethood. You can be even more certain of this by putting the things he said to test when it comes to acts of worship, and seeing the effects they have in purifying the hearts." Al Gazali
"And verily, you are on an exalted standard of character." (Al Qalam:4)
3e.1. Mercy and Compassion
And We have sent you (O Muhammad SAW) not but as a mercy for the worlds. (Al Anbiya: 107)
And by the Mercy of Allâh, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh¬hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allâh's) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allâh, certainly, Allâh loves those who put their trust (in Him). (Ali Imran:159)
Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad SAW) is anxious over you, for the believers (he SAW is) full of pity, kind, and merciful. (al-Tawbah:128)
The Prophet (SAW), without a shadow of doubt, was the epitome of mercy. This is not only due to Allah describing him as such, but due to the manifestation of mercy in his character. There are two particular scenarios that stick out above the rest:
Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: Verily the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) recited the words of Allah, the Great and Glorious, that Ibrahim uttered: My Lord! Lo! they have led many of mankind astray: "But whoso followeth me, he verily is of me" (al-Qur'an, xiv.35), and Jesus (peace be upon him) said: "If thou punisheth them, lo! they are Thy slaves, and if Thou forgiveth them--verily Thou art the Mighty, the Wise" (al-Qur'an, v.117). Then he raised his hands and said: O Lord, my Ummah, my Ummah, and wept. So Allah, the High and the Exalted, said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad (though your Lord knows it fully well) and ask him: what makes thee weep? So Gabriel (p.) came to him and asked him, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) informed him of what he had said (though Allah knew it fully well). Upon this Allah said: O Gabriel, go to Muhammad and say: Verily We shall please thee with regard to your Ummah and shall not displease thee. (Sahih Al Muslim)
"Being a Prophet of absolute mercy, one who came to secure the happiness of mankind both in tis world and the next, Allah's Messenger (SAW) entered Makkah, bowing on the back of his mule, as a victorious conqueror. He displayed no hint of self pride nor thought of either vengeance or retaliation. He proceeded toward the Ka'bah in utmost modesty and absolute gratitude to God, who had made him victorious in his sacred mission. He stopped at the Ka'bah and asked those who assembled there, 'How do you expect me to treat you?' You are a noble man, the son of a noble man', they answered. Allah's Messenger concluded, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the Most Merciful of the Merciful." (Yusuf:92) You can disperse.'
This marked the end of the polytheism in Makkah. While he was toppling down the idols at the Ka'bah one after the other, he recited, 'Say, "Truth has come and falsehood has disappeared. Indeed falsehood is subject to disappearance." And, almost all of the Makkans, who had been the enemies of Islam until one day before, acquired the honour of becoming companions to Allah's Messenger (SAW). (al-Tabari)
3.e.2 Kindness to children
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) had the sublimest character among mankind. I had a brother who was called Abd 'Umair. I think he was weaned. When Allah's Messenger (may peace he upon him) came to our house he saw him, and said: Abu 'Umair, what has the sparrow done? He (Anas) said that he had been playing with that. (Muslim)
3.e.3. Generosity
Anas bin Malik (RA) reported, "It never happened that Allah's Messenger (SAW) was asked anything for the sake of Islam and he did not give. There came to him a person and he gave him a large flock (of sheep and goat) and he went back to his people and said, "My people, embrace Islam, for Muhammad gives so much charity it is as if he has no fear of poverty." (Muslim)
Ibn Shihad reported that Allah's Messenger (SAW) went out along with the Muslims and they fought at Hunayn, and Allah granted victory to His religion and to the Muslims. Allah's Messenger (SAW( gave one hundred camels to Safwan bin Umayyah. He again gave him one hundred camels, and then again gave him one hundred camels. Sa'id bin al-Musayyib said that Safwan told him, "By Allah! Allah's Messenger (SAW) gave me what he gave me, and he was the most detested person in my eyes. But he continued to give until he became the dearest to me." (Muslim)
3.e.4. Justice
Aisha (RA) narrated, "The people of Quraysh became very worried about the Makhzumiya lady who had committed theft. They said, 'Nobody can speak to Allah's Messenger (SAW), except Usama bin Zaid who is the favorite of Allah's Messenger.' When Usama spoke to Allah's Messenger about the matter, Allah's Apostle said, 'Do you interceded with me to violate one of the legal punishments of Allah?' He then got up and addressed the people, saying, 'O people! The nations before you went astray because if a noble person committed theft, they used to leave him, but if a weak person amongst them committed theft, they used to inflict the legal rulings on him. By Allah, if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, I would have cut off her hand." (Bukhari)
3.e.5. Patience
Narrated Khabbab bin Al-Arat: We complained to Allah's Apostle (of the persecution inflicted on us by the infidels) while he was sitting in the shade of the Ka'ba. We said to him, "Would you seek help for us? Would you pray to Allah for us?" He said, "Among the nations before you a (believing) man would be put in a ditch that was dug for him, and a saw would be put over his head and he would be cut into two pieces; yet that (torture) would not make him give up his religion. His body would be combed with iron combs that would remove his flesh from the bones and nerves, yet that would not make him abandon his religion. By Allah, this religion (i.e. Islam) will prevail till a traveler from Sana (in Yemen) to Hadrarmaut will fear none but Allah, or a wolf as regards his sheep, but you (people) are hasty. (Bukhari)
3.e.6. Bravery and Courage
Bara bin Azab narrates, "In the battle of Hunayn, as Muslims were being taken out by archers, the people turned to the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Abu Sufyan bin Harith was leading the Messenger of Allah (SAW) mule. He got down, prayed, and invoked Allah's help. He said, 'I am the Prophet. This is the truth. I am the son of Abdul Mutallib. O Allah, descend your help." Bara' continued. "When the battle grew fierce, by Allah, we would seek protection by the Prophet's side, and the bravest among us was he who confronted the onslaught in the front, by the Prophet's side." (Muslim)
3.6.7. Humility
Aisha (RA) narrated, "He used to remain busy serving and helping his household, and when the time for prayer came he would perform ablution and go for prayer. He would patch his own sandals and sew his own garments. He was an ordinary human being, milking his sheep, and doing his own chores." (Shama'il Tirmidhi)
Being the Messenger of Allah (SAW), a living example for all the eternity, the discussion of his noble and great character would never come to an end. It is as the scholars have said, "Describing the greatness of Allah's Messenger (SAW) is that ocean that knows no shore." (Ibn Hajar Fath al Bari)
Any Muslim with a heart can testify to the great sorrow and sadness one feels upon reading about the death of the Prophet (SAW). Amazingly enough, even in relation to his death he is able to put things in perspective for us. Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said, "if anyone is afflicted by a calamity, then let him remember that calamity by my death, for indeed it is the greatest of calamities." (al Tirmidhi)
The Prophet (SAW) knew his time was coming several months before his actual death. He gave the following precursors in hopes that the impact would not be as great or as severe:
In Ramadhan, in the tenth year of the Hijrah, he secluded himself for twenty days, in contrast to his usual ten.
The archangel Gabriel reviewed the Qur'an with him twice.
At hajj, he clearly stated, "I do not know whether I will ever meet you at this place once again after this current year."
The revelation of Surah An Nasr. (Prophet completed his mission)
In the early days of Safar, in the eleventh year of al Hijrah, the Prophet went out to Uhud and observed a farewell prayer to the martyrs. It looked as if he was saying goodbye to the dead and the living alike. He then ascended the pulpit and addressed the people saying, "I am to precede you and I have been made witness upon you. By Allah, you will meet me at the 'Fountain' very soon. I have been given the keys of worldly treasures. By Allah, I do not fear for you that you will turn polytheists after me. But I do fear that acquisition of worldly riches should entice you to strike one another's neck." (al Bidayah wa al Nihayah)
7a. The Sickness Begins
Scholars differ as to when the illness actually began. Some have said that 22nd of Safar, others the 29th and others the beginning of Rabi al Awwal. Some scolars speculate that the lingering effects of the poisoning at al khaybar triggered the sickness.
7b. Farewell Advice and Legacy
He (SAW) orders Abu Baqr to lead the prayers.
Five days prior to his death, he warns the people against building masajid at graves.
He orders every door that connects to the masjid to be sealed, expect Abu Baqr`s.
He informs Fatimah that his death is imminent and that she will be the family member who follows him most closely.
He warns the people: Don`t turn his grave into a place of worship.
Expel the polytheists from the Arabian Peninsula, except for delegates.
Hold on to the book of Allah and the Sunnah.
Fulfill the rights of his family.
He orders the sending forward od Usama`s army.
`The prayer and that which the right hand possesses`
7c. The Final Moment
On Monday, the 12th of Rabi al Awwal, Aisha (RA) narrates, "Laying in my lap gazing at the skies, his last words were, `O Allah (unite me) in the highest of companionship.` (Bukhari)
Anas (RA) said, "On the day that the Messenger of Allah entered al Madinah, all things inside of it became illuminated, But on the day that he died, all things in it became darkened. And, no sooner did we leave the Prophet and bury him, that we reproached our hearts, finding faults with them." (al Bidayah wa al Nihayah)
Even the best of creation after the Prophet, the companions felt their iman decrease after the death of Prophet (SAW).
The End!
The word Islam means 'submission to the will of God'. Islam is the second largest religion in the world with over 1 billion followers.
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